Do I first discuss it with my child's pediatrition if I think they have ADHD?/?
Erin c
2008-05-30 19:36:09 UTC
All the signs are there that My son May have ADHD. I just dont know where to begin to have him evaluated. Do I make an app. with my son's ped first and then they refer you? How does this all work?? Thanks in advance =-)
Fourteen answers:
Jason L
2008-05-30 20:00:16 UTC
Hi, going to a child psychiatrist is in fact better as, among medical practitioners, they tend to have the most training in ADHD. But do ask around among friends, neighbours and relatives for a referral. They may know someone from first hand experience. Going to the right doctor is important because a wrong one may result in a wrong diagnosis and thus wrong treatment which can be dangerous. In fact, some experts believe that, say, if a patient has bi polar but is diagnosed as having ADHD and thus given stimulant medication, the meds may make that patient manic, depressed and even suicidal.

But before going to see the doc, I suggest you read up on ADHD (such as its causes, symptoms, treatment available, adhd vitamins and diet, etc). Armed with these info, you will know what your options are and will be able to make informed decisions later on. You can get good info here:

Good luck. I wish your son the best of health. Don't worry too much, because most ADHD people are very intelligent and creative and I wouldn't be surprised if your son is like that also.
2008-05-31 02:55:39 UTC
First off how old is your son. The signs of ADHD do not start mildly showing until age 8??? Otherwise you have a normal boy! Do you have rules for this child or have you always let your child get his own way? I have seen that many times people think their sons have it but they are just spoiled. I would not go about labeling your child because none of those meds are good for them. Try so new boundaries for the child get him organized set some house rules and spend time reading and exploring with your child. And not so much sugar. Do you give your child soda? And a lot of candy? He could just be high on sugar. Trust me try some things before you self diagnose.
2008-05-31 02:53:44 UTC
My son went to an MRDD preschool for suspected ADD. However, he never received an official diagnosis because he was too young. However, he had all the classic symptoms. What I found to really work was a whole food diet. If you research, you'll find that some of the dyes and additives in processed foods cause hyperactivity in some kids. We switched our entire family's diet to whole foods. It has made a tremendous difference for our son. Also, I think a pediatrician is a great place to start. They can often refer you on to a specialist. There's also a great new treatment called bio-feedback that seems to be having great results in some kids. Don't just settle for putting your son on some traditional medecine for ADHD. Do the research and I think you'll find some great resources for not only your son, but also for you.
2008-05-31 02:47:02 UTC
ADHD is the most over and misdiagnosed illness in children. Start at the Pediatrician. He / she should refer you to a psychologist who will properly test your son. Before accepting any diagnosis, have the test results analyzed by at least two other psychologist to confirm the diagnosis. Lastly, and this is not a judgment, behavioral issues are not always physiological. Prolonged periods of stress, trauma and lack of boundaries and structure can result in ADD like symptoms. Fortunately when the child is removed from that stress and given structure and boundaries, they often change their behavior quite rapidly. Do the best you can to make the right choices for your son. This is a diagnosis that will stay with him forever.
2008-05-31 02:45:18 UTC
Yes, start with the pediatrician. He/she will refer you, you and all caregivers will be given a sheet to fill out about behavior to aid in diagnosis. Your child will have an IQ test, often Weschler, and will be observed. Treatment varies by what you are comfortable with and what your son tolerates, but in general the best treatment is talk therapy/life coaching and medication, second best is life coaching alone, 3rd best is meds along, worst is doing nothing.

Meanwhile get him some physical exercise, it seems to be the most effective thing for kids for helping with concentration and sleep disorders (which are common with those that have ADHD).
2008-05-31 02:50:58 UTC
think about this would mean giving your child drugs that can have potential side effects for the rest of his life. two facts you should consider:

1. boys are more likely to be misdiagnosed with adhd than any other behavioral problem

2. the drugs that are given for adhd can cause severe depression...which leads to more drugs being taken in their teen and young adult years.

so before you decide to go ahead and see a specialist look at the studies that are being done on the misdiagnosis and long term effects on the drugs. If you do decide to go ahead, make sure you study all the drugs that are being used on children your sons age and look at the side effects. you can never bee too informed.
boomer s
2008-05-31 14:57:37 UTC
yes you would start at the pediatrician level and ADHD is very often mis diagnosed however most of the time it is the doctor that does the misdiagnosing by recieving information from the parents.

keep a journal for one week about his acivities, his schedule, what discipline he gets for what and what he eats.

that is helpful to the doctor when testing him.

he should be the same at home as at school and anywhere else and this should be considered.

hope this helps and good luck to you
2008-05-31 03:05:39 UTC
be aware that much of what we now call ADHD is caused by kids not getting enough exercise. a healthy animal - humans included - are made to run around, not sit still. it's unfair to the child to have him medicated just for our own convenience. let me go outdoors a lot and play. he'll then be better at sitting and doing homework when he has to. get him off the TV and video games and get him interested in reading - you can start by reading to and with him.
2008-05-31 02:45:41 UTC
Yes please see the doctor first because schools now a days are too quick to label a child who does not have ADD /ADHD

and the dr's are more able to work out a plan just suited for your child, my son was diagonosed 4 years ago and he was prescribed Strattera and it is wonderful, with minimal side affects.
2008-05-31 02:40:17 UTC
Yes you make the appt with the pediatrician who can do a referal for you to a behavioral health facility or Dr in your area and then they will meet your son and talk to him and determine if he may have it then either the pediatrician or a psychiatrist can give meds if needed
Things Happen
2008-05-31 03:00:35 UTC
Speak with your doctor first. Let him know whats going on and he will refer to the correct people. Don't wait, the sooner the better. I pray that's not the case. Good Luck.
2008-05-31 04:01:07 UTC
talk with the pediatrician and school pyschologist. try to limit the urge to label your child and realize that he may just be very active.
2008-05-31 02:40:05 UTC
before you diagnose your son with ADHD, turn the tv off and have him discontinue all use of video games! (not even a half hour a day) see if that improves his symptoms!
2008-05-31 03:08:05 UTC
yes, right away

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