What are some reasons that School Uniforms should be abolished?
2006-03-26 20:55:33 UTC
For Primary School
22 answers:
2006-03-27 14:28:51 UTC
Personally I would like to see our school go to uniforms it would help so much in the wash, budget, etc. However I do believe that you need to have some sort of personal expression with them. Maybe everybody wears a vest or Jacket but you can personalize with your own t-shirt and choice of khaki or blue pants. Let there be a generalize uniform but also enough of an option that everybody doesn't look and feel the same.
2016-11-07 10:42:06 UTC
Reasons For School Uniforms
2016-03-16 06:40:32 UTC
I, personally, think school uniforms are a great idea. For one thing, it cuts down the social barriers that can exist between the haves and the have nots. Some kids' parents can afford designer namebrands, but some kids' parents can't. Kids will too often make friends based on this material representation of each other rather than actual personalities or interests and can often miss out on a good friend just because they weren't of the same "class." Also, it takes care of the problems of inappropriate clothing, i.e. inappropriate language printed on a shirt, short shorts, halter tops, crop tops, pants that hang below the underwear, etc. I don't understand why schools that do adopt uniforms always feel the need to go with the sterotypical oxford shirt with plaid skirts for girls and slacks for boys. The uniform could be something as simple as t-shirts for spring, long-sleeve t-shirts for fall, and sweaters and sweatshirts for winter, available in the school colors (or other colors, if desired) and printed with the school logo along with jeans (of a certain generic namebrand), and some standard type of shoe. School uniform codes can greatly reduce distraction in the classroom, and can save children embarrassment, giving everyone a chance to "fit-in" and look like everyone else. Makes getting them up and ready for school a lot quicker, too, when they're not spending 30 minutes every morning trying to decide what to wear ;-)
2006-03-26 21:08:13 UTC

1. school uniforms may not and almost will never satisfy every students taste. Some maybe uncomfortable with the colors, or designs. this will directly affect the self-esteem of some students. In many cases self-esteem is one of the biggest issues in hish school ears.

2. Implementing a school uniform will bring in expenses not only to the school but also the students. for the school it would be administartive expense such as researching a uniform, making sure it is available in stores around and many time inititing a contract. for the students it may be more expensive to buy the uniforms than their typical clothing.

3. In todays socity image is one of the most important factors in defrentiating one person to the other. abolishing school uniforms will better prepare students to face the real world where uniforms are not in place.

4. school uniforms sometimes discriminate against homosexuals. i know in my old school all men must wear pants and all girls must wear skirts. what if your in the middle? what if your a lesbian girl who views wearing a skirt as an insult to her true sexuality.

5. abolishing school uniforms will bring in more students. i know many ppl that will turn down a school becaue it seems too strict. uniforms give a decption that the school is strict in all aspects. this may not be the case but students searching to enter a school may abolish this school for...

6. abolishing schol uniforms make students feel more open to diffrentiate. to be diffrent from the rest, to standout. the transformation from image to intellectual ability may become a possibility.

i hope this helps i have more on mind, but am i answering your q
2006-03-27 04:07:32 UTC
My children go to a school in which uniforms are required, but at the beginning of each school year, if they so choose, parents of individual have that option of requesting in writing that their child(ren) be exempt from the uniform policy. Now the schools believe that if children wear uniforms that it minimizes the distraction, in regards to name brand clothing and the like therefore leveling the education playing field. My children do not wear the school uniform and my argument was OK so my children wear the same clothing, but their walking around in $200 shoes, so what happens to the level playing field. If parents purchase clothing that is age appropriate there should be no problem. Uniforms should not be abolished, but students and parents should be given a choice.
2006-03-26 21:04:33 UTC
Uniforms should never be abolished. Before school starts, the media is flooded with advertisements for the 'latest school fashions'. Students would fare much better in studies if they were not constantly thinking about dressing in the latest styles, there would be less of a competition based on appearance and more on grades. Moreover, poor students will not suffer from complexes because they are not able to dress as fashionably.
2006-04-01 16:07:31 UTC
I don't think they should be abolished. I do believe however that boys and girls should both wear pants. They also should have diffrent color shirts so it doesn't get boring wearing the same color day after day.

Wearing uniforms stops kids from being teased cause they aren't wearing Nike's or any other shoes or clothes that are in style. Not everyone can afford these types of popular clothes.
2006-03-28 04:26:06 UTC
Well...I think wearing a uniform it's not such a big thing,i mean uniforms helps us to be differentiated from the students from the other schools.It is true that uniforms will never satisfy every students taste but when you are not at school and you want to go out with your friends it would be much easier to choose what to wear,and there it would be less a competition based on appearance:)to be honest i hate uniforms...but that's it!It's a rule!
2006-04-01 13:48:38 UTC
School uniforms simply delay the inevitable differences in social and economic differences. While it is excrutiating for children to learn to deal with the differences ("She has nicer clothes than I do...") it will happen sooner or later in life. Children deprived of this learning experience will grow up to be inept adults who believe that the world should conform to them and that all aspects of life should be "fair."

Besides that, even with uniforms, children will find ways to be different, including hair styles, shoes, backpacks, etc. Don't be sucked into the belief that uniforms are the great equalizer!
2006-04-02 12:05:56 UTC
I like school uniforms the other kids can't pick on others for having better clothes
2006-04-02 04:55:15 UTC
we live in ohio,my son goes to public school,uniform policy in place. i spent $60.00 for play clothes and &120.00 on uniforms,all brand forces parents to buy 2 sets of clothes like me. then look at the cut/style of a uniform,if a gal was wearing a "street skirt or dress" that short,she would be sent home,look at the cut and styles of uniforms. as for making a difference to what school each child goes too,ours is a distract policy,K-12,all same colors. navy,main offit,white or lt. blue shirts. robin
2006-03-27 12:14:05 UTC
I would like to see more uniforms personally. That will get rid of kids getting teased for what they wear. It will help keep kids wearing appropriate clothes at school!
2006-04-01 16:12:22 UTC
I think uniforms are great! Then the kid's wouldn't have to worry who has what, and how much it costs. And the kid's can focus on there work instead of who is wearing what!!
2006-03-26 21:01:21 UTC
stifles children's creativity and ability to self-express.

creates a sense of uniformity, which may be influential on the young person's developing mind.

Uniform expensive and compulsory, thus parents have no choice.
2006-03-26 20:59:17 UTC
I think they should stick to school uniforms. I wish ALL schools would use them. It would be a whole lot easier than trying to wear something different eveyday.
2006-03-26 21:01:34 UTC
uniforms are good,some kids can't afford school clothes and wearing uniforms you can identify what students don't belong in the school building.
2006-03-26 21:01:18 UTC
the pleated scerts thta they make the girls wear attract child molesters. just look at the porn in japan with japanies scool girl outfits. i would never let a kid of mine walk home from school wearing that!
2016-04-02 08:49:51 UTC
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Because they make kids learn how to truly express themselves, through personality.
2006-03-26 21:32:00 UTC
hey, my parents worked hard for me to have money and buy cool clothes, i deserve it!. no school uniforms!!!!!!!
2006-03-26 20:59:52 UTC
I don't think they should be. Kids should be in school to learn, not to show-off their fashions!
2006-03-26 21:01:26 UTC
I do not think they should be abolished
Mohit Madaan
2006-03-26 20:58:25 UTC
I am not sure, but i am sure there are a lot of reasons?

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