1. school uniforms may not and almost will never satisfy every students taste. Some maybe uncomfortable with the colors, or designs. this will directly affect the self-esteem of some students. In many cases self-esteem is one of the biggest issues in hish school ears.
2. Implementing a school uniform will bring in expenses not only to the school but also the students. for the school it would be administartive expense such as researching a uniform, making sure it is available in stores around and many time inititing a contract. for the students it may be more expensive to buy the uniforms than their typical clothing.
3. In todays socity image is one of the most important factors in defrentiating one person to the other. abolishing school uniforms will better prepare students to face the real world where uniforms are not in place.
4. school uniforms sometimes discriminate against homosexuals. i know in my old school all men must wear pants and all girls must wear skirts. what if your in the middle? what if your a lesbian girl who views wearing a skirt as an insult to her true sexuality.
5. abolishing school uniforms will bring in more students. i know many ppl that will turn down a school becaue it seems too strict. uniforms give a decption that the school is strict in all aspects. this may not be the case but students searching to enter a school may abolish this school for...
6. abolishing schol uniforms make students feel more open to diffrentiate. to be diffrent from the rest, to standout. the transformation from image to intellectual ability may become a possibility.
i hope this helps i have more on mind, but am i answering your q