7 year old too young for second grade?
2008-01-16 15:07:09 UTC
7 year old too young for second grade?
My son turned 7 in last october and he is in the second grade. I hear lots of complaints about his focus from the teacher. I think it is primarily because of his age and also being youn in his class. Do you think I should hold him for an year before sending to third grade? Do you think that will affect him emotionally? ( All his friends will be in the next class).
60 answers:
l c
2008-01-16 17:03:02 UTC
My son was the same....

I tossed over the idea as well. I didn't want to take him from his friends.

When we moved area's , I decided to hold him back.

He repeated half of grade two (we moved in December).


I had concerns right from kindergarten, I was told that if they felt there was a problem, they would discuss it with me. Well they didn't, and then labelled my son as ADHD or ???? anything else.

My son is doing great now, in grade 4 and at grade level. He is a class leader and a math whizz and the focus was not the problem.

They say that boys mature later than girls.

Girls can get away with going into school early, they are mentally ready.

Boys takes a little longer and the school I have him in now says " they prefer to start boys later".

The cut off here is Feb. 28.

Nobody knows how your son would react, you know his personality.

Some wouldn't care, some would.

But think of this...

Would you have him deal with this change now or when he is in a higher grade where it could be very detrimental for him?

At this age... he may be bugged... but not labelled.

By the time he reaches Junior High - all will be forgotten

I guess I should add he was in grade 3 and 7 years old - some kids were 1-1/2 years older.
2013-10-02 19:33:57 UTC
7 is the normal age to START second grade. But it sounds like your son was still 6 when he started and didn't turn 7 until October, so that is a little bit young, especially for a boy, since boys do tend to mature slower than girls. Most places would say a child needs to turn 7 by September 1st. So a child turning 7 in the fall would normally miss the cutoff and go to 1st grade, and then start 2nd grade when they are 7 going on 8. It's your decision whether or not to hold him back. I would say that doing it now during the early years would definitely be better than waiting until he's older, if you are going to have to do it at some point. I don't think it would really affect a child this age badly. But then if he ended up having to repeat 5th grade and all of his friends go to middle school without him, that would probably be upsetting!
2008-01-16 15:28:08 UTC
In my state, he would have had to been 7 before starting school in the fall. My son was 6 in August, I held him back for 1st grade a second time. His sister went into 1st grade the same year. It didn't bother him until Junior High, he had made new friends. Junior High did start some teases from old classmates. Through 11th grade, he reminded me that he would have been a senior and on his way to graduation, but no, had one more year to go. Does your son have more than one teacher during the day? If not, don't always rely on what the teacher says, some teachers are better than others, some don't want to deal with it. What did his first grade teacher say? Kindergarten teacher? Stay away from the meds as much as possible, no one had that in my day. I cannot say holding my son back made a difference in his grades. Is it possible, can he switch 2nd grade teachers for the remainder of this year? Looking back, I would have gotten a second opinion, even if I had to go to the school board.
2008-01-16 15:26:18 UTC
Forget about his age for a minute. Have you scheduled a meeting with his teacher about this? I mean a serious sit down with just the teacher and the parent(s). You need to get specific information from the teacher such as:

-Is he the only child having trouble focusing?

-What do you mean by "his focus" - what examples can you give me?

-Is he keeping up with class work?

-Where does he fall in class rank? (Is he in the middle, in the bottom third, at the very bottom)

-Is he learning the basics?

-How are his social skills, does he have friends?

Talk to your son about this without seeming angry or scared that he is getting left behind. Just ask him what he likes about school, the teacher, the kids. What is his favorite part, what is hardest, what is easiest?

You need to get a better idea of how he is functioning in the class. If the teacher and the principal think it would be good for him to repeat the grade, ask them what the advantage would be for your son. Once you have as much information as you can get, you will be better able to make the right decision.

Your son will take his cue from you. If you decide to let him repeat, talk to him openly about it. Let him know it is your decision to make and you are doing what is best for him. Ask him to trust you and then make a special effort to invite classmates over, etcetera so that you know he has friends. If you decide it is best for him to continue on to third grade, you may want to look into a tutor or a study partner, and you may need to spend more time with him yourself on homework and classwork. If he sees that it is important enough for you to do with him, he may sense that he has to make it a priority.

I have three grown children and it was my experience that the two boys -both were among the oldest in their classes- had a much easier time in school than the third who was among the youngest in the class. The most important thing is that they learn that school isn't always easy, and you just have to find a way to do your best.

Good luck. Keep asking questions-until you get the answers you need.
2008-01-16 15:11:31 UTC
I find that people theses days, especially with boys, hold them back quite a bit. Like everyone above me has said, 7 years old and in second grade is how it always used to be. My daughter has an April birthday which is a little later in the year but still well within the norm, and there are kids in her class that are more than a full year older than she is. It must be hard for the teacher because at that age, the age differences can be tremendous. I think you should ask the teacher what she thinks is best for him and then you can decide. You are his mother, you know him best.
Diane B
2008-01-16 15:20:49 UTC
I think looking only at his age, you are saying that all 7 year olds are alike and equal, which we know is definitely not true. I think what you need to be looking at is his emotional and social maturity levels.

How is he handling second grade? Is he having difficulties with other students? You need to sit with the teacher and find how what you can do to assist him with his focus. It could be that he is not ready for a second grade class room as yet. Try things at home to get him to focus. Give him small chores to do, have him read to you at night, or write a sentence or two for you, so that you yourself can judge and get a base line. Watch him through the year and if need be after counseling with his teacher again near the end of the year, decide whether or not keeping him back will be best for him.

I did this with one of my daughters, she went on to get her Master's Degree with Honors. She was upset when I did it, but it definitely prepared her for her future. You must do what you feel is in the best interest of your child.
2008-01-16 15:20:36 UTC
Dont hold him back just put him in a summer program to help him get ready for the next grade. The schools offer this for free and its only for half of the summer so it would still be time for vacations. Its still to early to say for sure he has a problem because kids grow out of these type of things.

You could also help him with some at home programs to boost his knowledge of math, reading and writing.

If you think he might have attention problems talk to him and ask questions and see if he stays with you in conversations. Dont demand him to answer anything just see if his attention skills are normal. Ask a question about something you told him a few min ago like what color did I say that shirt was and then say ok just making sure I told you the right color.
2008-01-16 15:15:39 UTC
Unless you really think he needs to have the extra year in class, you shouldn't hold him back. 7 is about the right age for a second grader, even though some kids probably turn 7 earlier in the year than your son.

It can really mess your child up on a psychological and social level if you hold him back a year because he will be a year back from all of his friends. Although you understand it's for his own good, other kids won't see it that way, and he could possibly be labeled as slow by the other kids.

As kids get older they become more aware of themselves on a social level, and holding them back isn't really that helpful for their self esteem. If you are going to hold him back, it's better to do it sooner than later.

You should check with the teacher to see if there are any kind of exercises on your end that can be done to help with your son's focus. Good Luck!!
2008-01-16 15:27:48 UTC
Age 7 seems young to be in the 2nd grade. Could be that his emotional maturity is not as developed as other kids his age. While I think it's important for kids to stay with their established friends you may want to consider holding him back. Talk to the teacher and principal together.
2008-01-16 15:22:15 UTC
there's still a lot of the year left before you have to make that decision. talk to the teacher about ways to help him out this year. play games that help increase his concentration while at home (longer board games, card games, etc.). read aloud to him and gradually build up the length and difficulty level of what he's listening to. he will need to work on those skills regardless of what grade he ends up in, so you might as well start working on them now. later in the spring it would be appropriate to talk to his teachers about whether he's ready for the work in 3rd grade or not. some kids do get helped by repeating a year, but there is also a fair bit of research showing that in most cases it doesn't have a long-term benefit. i don't know what the cut-off month is in your school system, but where i live the cut off is turning 7 in august for second grade, so your son would be in the youngest quarter of his peers, but certainly not the very youngest....
Lily S
2008-01-16 15:16:03 UTC
It's a bit tricky but you really need to make the choice this year. I think emotionally he will be better off than years ago because the stigma isn't as bad as it was. It might also be better for him if you can change his school. Either way if you do hold him back be patient and clear with him as to why. Support him in making new friends inside and out (at church , sports, clubs etc) of school.

My own daughter started kindergarten very young and although she seemed ready for it at the time, her problems started when she was a teen and not nearly as mature as the other girls in her grade (physically and emotionally). College really turned out bad because there was a 17 year old trying to live as an adult!
Halo Mom
2008-01-16 16:27:40 UTC
My daughter is seven and in second grade

She is a spring baby

She has learning disabilities, and will not let me keep her back, because of the spring birthday

I would say, talk to the teacher, and see if there anything you can do to have him caught up

I volunteer in my daughter class, a lot of children, have the problem with children focusing. Does other children have the same problems

No, if he was born in August, he would be in 2nd grade
2008-01-16 15:12:10 UTC
I was seven in second grade. I don't think age would be a problem here, really. You just need to teach your kid to focus. If you start ASAP, he'll be more likely to pick up on it.

Focus issues would still be an issue next year if you didn't teach him and still held him back. :s I'd figure out what works for your son. Maybe offering rewards with good grades or making sure to get regular progress from the teacher?
2008-01-16 18:11:34 UTC
No, I was seven when I was in the second grade. His focus? He is seven! That has nothing to do with his grade. Have him evaluated by the school psychologist, if it makes the teachers happy. Your son should be fine as a seven year old in 2nd grade.
2008-01-16 15:15:36 UTC
Seven years old is the correct age for second grade. I think the calendar age is less important than other factors and would not base my decision solely on that. Is his lack of focus due to his not understanding the material, or is it possible that he already understands the information and is just bored? If he is truly not learning what he should you can try outside education options such as tutoring to get him up to speed. If he is just too far behind you may want to consider holding him back, but I would consider that a last resort. Best of luck.
2008-01-16 15:12:50 UTC
my son was 7 in the second grade some teachers talk to much

how is his testing is he on his level in work does he keep up there is still time this year to help him focus and have him read 1 hour a night at home to build skills he may not be gettting at school

my sons i have 3 oldest 28 never did as well in school as my daughter but i never held them back because it wasn't only them that had average grades half the boys in the class were the same grade level, i just send my boys to summer school to help them better each year,
Allison P
2008-01-16 15:12:34 UTC
Children in kindergarten are 5 years old for the majority of the school year, first grade is 6 years old, second is 7. I don't think your child is too young in years. He may not have the maturity. I would seriously reconsider. Are his grades really low? My first reaction is that teachers usually think every child they consider unfocussed needs to be medicated. He's probably just a very active little boy (NOT ADHD).
2008-01-16 15:12:30 UTC
I believe that you 7 year old son is okay for the second grade. All i suggest is to make him concentrate more by making the activity more exciting. Also remind him (even though he is in a lower grade) that in the future people (Highschool ex.) will look at what he has accomplished in his past years. Never hold your somn back one year because it will make him assume that his mom thinks hes stupid ( which i truelly disagree with)

Hope you luck with your son

2008-01-16 16:01:02 UTC
nope I was 7 in the second grade and now I am 14 and in the 9th grade and almost everyone has been a year older,I never had problems, but if he is really having bad problems then I would
2008-01-16 15:12:21 UTC
it's not young AT ALL....I was actually seven in 2nd grade for 2months..I have a late birthday in October. I don't think you should hold him back unledd he absolutely needs it..but a couple of months doesn't make a difference...and he had is hard to make new friends with people in a whole new grade. Talk to his teachers and ask..they always know what to do. Although, int he end its up to you..if he is mature enoguh he should be fine because I am the youngest in my grade and still one of the all depends ont he peoson...not the age.
2008-01-17 07:29:18 UTC
he is young-what is the cut-off for starting school in your town? did he start when he was 4? my daughter turned 7 at the end of august and the cut-off here is you need to turn 7 by sept. 1st. she is the youngest in her class and does very well,but does have slight problems focusing. it would have been better to have held him back before he started kindergarten,but that is to late now for him. ask his teacher what she thinks about him being kept back. good luck!
2008-01-16 16:01:40 UTC
No, let him go ahead. They said that about my little brother and he never changed. He ended up failing the next year and had to be held back. If anything, he acted worse in class and he dropped out in high school. If it's your choice, let him advance to the next grade.
Sugga Mama
2008-01-16 15:14:15 UTC
sounds like the school may need to do some testing on him, or talk to the doctor. if hes still learning and achieving despite his lack of focus than i wouldnt worry, nor hold him back. could be add or something else. my son had similar issues for 2 years before he was diagnosed w/aspergers..and the school and doc worked together with me to help him, and this year hes doing much better.

hes also a 7 yr old 2nd grader
2008-01-16 17:03:58 UTC
My daughter is in 2nd and is 7 also...but it really depends on the child. Not necessarily the age. Ask the school what they would do. Get together to make a decision on him.
2008-01-16 15:34:05 UTC
Your son is on the young end. How are his grades? Is he keeping up with the class socially and academically? If he is struggling, you may want to keep him back in 2nd grade. If he is keeping up with reading, writing, and math, let him go to 3rd. You don't want him to get bored.
2008-01-16 15:13:18 UTC
I think you should talk to his teacher and see where he is developmentally. If she fells that your son is not on the same level as his peers, and seems to be having a hard time focusing, you should keep him in 2nd grade another year. If you just let him go into 3rd grade next year to be with his friends and he's not where he needs to be developmentally, he will only have more trouble trying to catch up in 3rd grade.
Emily H
2008-01-16 15:18:01 UTC
i was 7 in second grade. in fact, most of the kids in my 2nd grade class were 7 too. unless there's huge unavoidable reasons to hold him back a year, don't do it. let him go on to 3rd grade with his class. if you're really concerned, ask his teachers to suggest some things you could do with him at home to improve his "focus". talk to him about what may be distracting him.
Hey U, Yeah U..Get over here
2008-01-16 15:12:09 UTC
hmmmm...sounds like he's really smart to be in 2nd grade by his age. wow this is risk ostersizing him and then also intellectually boring him. Does the school have any sort of special classes for smart kids? look into that. I would say send him on..but the kid is going to have issues for his whole school career b/c he's not going to fit in with either classes you know b/c he's too young and smart or just the right age and bored (so he'll act up in class) best to go with smart and too young.
2008-01-16 19:13:59 UTC
not sure how it works where you live but, in my area 7 is the normal age for a second grader. i think you meant because his birthday is later in the year. i don't think it should affect him, keep sending him to school.
2008-01-16 19:22:39 UTC
Boys have a hard time maturing emotionally during that age. I would hold him back...better to do it now than later.
2008-01-16 15:14:04 UTC
Age has nothing to do with it. 7 year old, or 8 year old, doesn't matter...he needs help just like any kids do. Don't hold him back a'll regret. Please keep in mind age is not a problem--if he turns 8 years old and he's a second grader, then do you think he's not going to have problems bc he aged? Probably not.
2008-01-16 15:12:22 UTC
dont hold him ur supposed to be 5 years older than your grade so 7 is the right age n dont hold back his gift of knowledge becaus teachers think he is to young he will be teased because ppl will think hes dumb n he failed i say let him move on or tlk to him about it see if he wants to be with his age or stay with his old class because he will b the one going through the change
2008-01-16 15:10:54 UTC
I wouldn't. It can be hard on a kid's self-esteem to not advance with the class. I think that loss may stick with him for a very long time.

I was 7 in the 2nd grade. It was good for me and provided a challenge. I learned that even if I was younger, I could do just as well as my peers who were months older than me. As an adult, that meant that I could excel with people years older than me and gave me confidence!
2008-01-16 15:11:38 UTC
How are his grades? If hes not doing well try getting him a tutor and spend some time w/ him every night studying the topics he has problems w/. I dont think holding him back should be your first option.
2008-01-16 15:43:17 UTC
no there is alot of 7 year olds in 2nd grade i think he will be all right
potato was here
2008-01-16 15:11:15 UTC
maybe you should let him continue to third year but hire a tutor or send him to some teaching classes on the weekend, but extra classes are quite expensive so you could get a computer tutor and he will be at home and you could help him and see what areas need focus. I may be wrong tho, computer tutors may also be expensive Im not sure
2008-01-16 15:11:38 UTC
oh you shouldn't

i was born in october too!!

i was 7 years old when i was in 2nd grade

how is that too young?

there are even classmates who are younger than me

born in nov and dec

his age does not make much of a difference

it's only one year

yes it will affect him emotionally

cause his friends are going to be in another class

he'll feel lonely and feel like he's behind
?? yaddajean ??
2008-01-16 15:11:16 UTC
Myh daughter will be 7 and in the second grade as well. I don't understand what the problem is. I don't think he is too young
2008-01-16 15:11:13 UTC
I turned seven in august before second grade. I was one of the youngest, but there were kids younger than me... I was ahead of the class; but also girls mature much faster than boys.

I would talk to the teacher and see what she thinks; as well as asking him what he wants to do.
2008-01-16 15:10:51 UTC
If he isn't mentally mature for the 3rd grade then yes hold him back. You don't want your boy to struggle. That would effect him emotionally. But if he is making the grades that he should be making then I say keep him where he is at. Like that saying if it isn't broke don't fix it. Good luck to you and your boy!
Victoria G
2008-01-16 15:10:58 UTC
Yeah it might effect him emotionally cause he will start asking why can't he be with his friends. Maybe he has a problem with learning. My sister had a thing called an i.e.p. and she just had to take a special class apart from her regular classes.You also might want to have him tested for dislexia. I think thats how you spell it lol. Hope this helps
yo mama
2008-01-16 15:10:12 UTC
Put him in 3rd next year, he will learn to katchup because 3rd grade specilizes in keping orginized and staying focusssed, during 3rd grade most kids become more independent. If he does not do well in 3rd then hold him back.
stacy n
2008-01-16 15:10:27 UTC
i honestly dont think you should hold him back just because it'll affect him when he sees all his friends advance and him staying back. if you do anyway dont worry he'll make new friends. if he has trouble in class i suggest have him read every night before bed. it'll help clear his mind for school the next day.
2008-01-16 15:10:14 UTC
i think he should do fine

i started 2nd grade at age 7

and I'm third in class, out of 33.

i ended up pretty good.

considering about 50%

of my classmates are

2008-01-16 15:10:15 UTC
I don't think it's too young. It would probably be hard for him to be held back a year since he'll have to make new friends and new classmates.
2008-01-16 15:10:37 UTC
well, i dunno where you are but when i was 7, i was in the second were all my friends...and it's still that way...although i guess where you are the 'cut off' birthday date is different..

as for keeping him back, i've been in classes with kids younger than me..we never really talked about it or made fun of them or anything...if he doesnt have many problems making friends, he should be fine.
J. Elwood Sheppard
2008-01-16 15:10:21 UTC
No. When I was 7, I was in second grade. NO KIDDING!!!
The Motherload
2008-01-16 15:10:03 UTC
I was 8 when i was in 2nd.
2008-01-16 15:10:54 UTC
7 is old for second grade if anything. i wouldn't hold him back... the schools have a no fail policy now so you don't have to worry about his grades anymore.
2008-01-16 15:09:54 UTC
Last I looked it goes

6 first grade

7 2nd grade

And so on

Where are you from
Drumming Master
2008-01-16 15:09:41 UTC
Maybe, he might not be advanced enough yet. He JUST turned 7.
2008-01-16 15:12:53 UTC
no....i think 2nd grade is perfect. That is how old my sister was... it was perfectly OK
2008-01-16 15:10:58 UTC

you are soposed {spelling to lazy to change) to be 4 in kindergarden

5 in first

and 6 in second
joseph s
2008-01-16 15:10:29 UTC
he is not to young i would not hold him back
2008-01-16 15:10:15 UTC
dont hold him back because later on he will be pissed.
2008-01-16 15:09:19 UTC
he isnt young what are you talking about? one year younger that isnt much
2008-01-16 15:09:33 UTC
2008-01-16 15:09:26 UTC
2008-01-16 15:08:59 UTC
send him to school,...
2008-01-16 15:17:17 UTC

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