Daughter is suicidal over bullying at school?
2015-12-10 05:42:18 UTC
Its a non stop misery bullies are always trying to bully her at school. Teachers do nothing about it because they don't care
165 answers:
2015-12-20 07:22:29 UTC
Well first of all kids usually don't commit suicide if they have someone to talk to. That's why it is so important to keep the lines of communication open. Talking to the counselor would be good because the counselor can give her reassurance outside of the home. A strangers acceptance is as much powerful as a mother's even though the mother's is more needed, the stranger's acceptance has a bigger impact at the time because they are not biologically programed to love the child. Another words this stranger likes me because I'm likable not because she's my mom. If that makes any sense at all :) and the school board is who you go to. They halfto do something. They don't have an option. You tell them yiu want a bully contract pulled out on all parties involved. That will make a huge difference. I did it for my daughter. When you walk into a school and holla BULLY CONTRACT.... People stand at attention because of all the suicides and mass shootings. Hope this helps
2015-12-18 04:34:17 UTC
Try and talk to her, see how she feels and mention the different options she has: counselling, therapy, moving schools ect. My friend previously got bullied at school and she was self harming and depressed and the teachers were the same, they did nothing. She moved schools and she says it's the best and the most hardest thing she has ever done but she wouldn't change it for anything. She quickly made new friends and is happy again. Depending on what year your daughter is in I would think about moving schools It will be a big step for both you and her but anything is better than being suicidal! If you don't want to do that try councelling and see how that goes if not then I would move schools.

Just talk and see what she feels would be best, be there for her as hope she will talk to you.

I hope I helped a little x
2015-12-10 13:08:30 UTC

Glad that you are reaching out for some help! It sounds like you have tried to intervene and get the bullying to stop for your daughter. If the teachers are not helping your daughter I would suggest you go to the principal or guidance counselor at her school. You could have your daughter start documenting how she is being bullied and what if anything has been done. School can be challenging in its self so adding bullying on top of that is not something your daughter should have to put up with.

As far as the suicidal thoughts or statements your daughter may be having over this is something you want to address with her as well. You sound like a supportive mom and that you care about her well being. Suicide is not an answer to being bullied and by doing that you would let the mean students "win." The fact that your daughter has reached out to you about this shows how strong she is! She doesn't want to be alone in this and she has you for support! Thanks again for reaching out about this. Hope you and your daughter stay strong and get through this.

Take care,

KG-Crisis Counselor
2015-12-22 05:57:14 UTC
My friend previously got bullied at school and she was self harming and depressed and the teachers were the same, they did nothing. She moved schools and she says it's the best and the most hardest thing she has ever done but she wouldn't change it for anything. She quickly made new friends and is happy again. Depending on what year your daughter is in I would think about moving schools It will be a big step for both you and her but anything is better than being suicidal! If you don't want to do that try councelling and see how that goes if not then I would move schools.
2015-12-17 16:20:58 UTC
I used to be as well.

Change the situation first - therapy won't help if the problem is still there. Almost all schools have bullying - I'd do some serious research about which schools are best, what do they have to offer, ect.

Maybe even try homeschool? That's what I do 😜

Get her new supplies and maybe a new outfit? This will help her look forward to the new school.

Get everything prepared for a easy first day! A map of the school really will help.

Now, encourage her. Don't hound her about it. Talk to her in a gentle manner and be supportive of her.

Get her a really good therapist! Do some research on it.

Try alternative medicines. I used to have to take 3 pills a day and took forever to get off of em'. I heard bananas help deppresion.

Watch what she gets on. There's pro suicide and pro deppresion sites that make it a billion times harder to recover.

If public schools fail, do homeschool. Its worth it.
2015-12-11 16:02:47 UTC
Hi, i was like you daughter. I was bullied and felt suicidal. All i can suggest is that you should move schools. I didn't do that but if the school won't help then i can't seen another solution. I am so sorry for what you and your daughter us going through. Maybe have some council as wall. I hope this helps and i wish you the best.
2015-12-12 21:07:53 UTC
I'm so sorry for your daughter that is the most horrible feeling. I suggest that she moves schools. If she is in a public school, try moving her to a catholic school. If you don't want her at a religious school, try enrolling her in a private school. If she does move schools, I suggest encouraging her to join some clubs or sports, because it is much easier to make friends with a common interest. If moving schools isn't an option, she should still join clubs/sports but I suggest that you call the principal and arrange a meeting with all of her teachers and guidance counslier. Tell them that your daughter is suicidal and how it is their responsibility to step in. Good luck to you and your daughter, hope things work out! Everything will get better!
2015-12-12 18:22:23 UTC
Is it cyber bullying? Is it through text messages? Is it physical? Are there any bruises? If so then you have enough proof to file a lawsuit against the school and parents of the children who are bullying her. If you don't want to or can't afford it or don't have any physical proof then you can report to your local authorities and have them look into it. I'd also talk to your daughters principle about it. You might want to look into a therapist also and possibly consider moving to another town if the issue isn't being resolved. If you do want to take her to therapy let her know what's going on and get her input on it. If she's reluctant tell her that it'll be for a little while and to see if it'll help her. Be understanding and kind, let her know to trust you and go to you for advice. If you don't want her around while it's being handled send her to stay with a close relative until the issue is resolved. Hope this helps.

2015-12-19 23:56:28 UTC
I'm 14 years old ik what it's like to be suicidal, the best thing you could do is too stand up to the bullies and tell her not to bother the teachers about it bc it only makes it worse. Sticking up for her self may get her in trouble at school but it's better that then having her being suicidal and don't try to talk to her about her being suicidal just try and make her feel not alone instead, to be honest I have no problems with bullies at school I mean sure they upset me but my parents are the reason for me being that way. If you can try and get her transferred to another school or help her improve her self like go get her nails or hair done and buy her some make up snd when she goes to school maybe someone will compliment her and she'll get some confidence. Idk but I hope this helped and I hope your daughter figures everything out
2015-12-16 14:31:18 UTC
I was like your daughter too .. I used to get bullied over my weight or how I dressed .. my best advise for you is to be there for your daughter cause she's really gonna need some one to be there for her.. but yeah I also think moving schools would be the best bet ... and honestly if I was you I would take this up to the school board cause that's not right that the school is not doing anything about it ... like people think bullying isn't such a big deal but it is.. so many kids/teens end their life over this and I find it a stupid how the schools say we can come to them for help .. but when we do they say there's nothing we can do .. I wish you luck and I hope everything gets better for your daughter
2015-12-20 18:50:06 UTC
I was very badly bullied myself in school so I can relate to this I am educationally and emotionally stunted...

My advice?

Take your daughter out of school and home educate her and find a therapist who specialises in working with young people... maybe sign her up for a self-defense class and maybe dance or something so that she doesn't come isolated. I honestly wish I had been homeschooled. I was raised by a lone parent so that wasn't an option but I honestly wish it had been it was a lot harder to homeschool back then because there was no cyberschool like there is now. Write a strongly worded letter to the head of your local department of education...stating why you removed your child from school and what you want to be done about it and don't forget to keep a paper trail! you could consider suing the school district as well
2015-12-10 06:05:54 UTC
Hello Jamie,

Please forgive the lengthy reply.

If you say your daughters school is doing nothing about your daughter being bullied at school I assume you have already spoken to the Head and informed him/her what is going on.

If you have only spoken to your daughters teachers you must go over their heads to the School Head.

You should not simply tell him/her that your child is being bullied you MUST demand that something is done about it and the bullies are weeded out and punished, Tell the Head that if they are not prepared to act then you will have no alternative but to inform either the school governors or the Education Authority that you have reported the bullying to the Head but nothing has been done.

Copies of any evidence you have should be presented to the Head.

In every school there are bullies but the unfortunate thing is those in charge of the school either deny there is any bullying at 'their' school or simply will not accept that there is.

Your daughter is obviously in a great deal of distress and this must be brought to the attention of the Head.

If she is also being bullied outside of the school unfortunately that is not the responsibility of the school and you should be speaking to the parents of those doing the bullying and if necessary inform the police.

With the coming of the Social Media incidents of bullying have increased alarmingly and children have taken their own lives because the bullying has been so severe.

It is a sad state of affairs that a child cannot go to school and have a proper education without being harassed by immature, uncaring, thoughtless and heartless students.

The bullying of your daughter MUST be stopped even if it involves you going to the media about it and showing the school up for its lack of care and action,

Good luck and please don't be put off with anything the school or Education Authority may say. Your daughter is desperate for your help and I know you will give it.

Chetta Atkins
2015-12-19 15:31:42 UTC
Try to help her find an interest where she can develop as a person (art, theatre, music, volunteering) and meet other people. Soon she won't care about the others at school. They won't even exist for her anymore. I am both physically deformed and gay, and there were people who tried to bully me in high school, but I simply didn't care because I had other interests and I considered the bullies pathetic losers. I've completely forgotten all my high school experiences now. It just didn't register after a while. I had my own life to live. Your daughter has to realize that anybody who bullies her is stupid and just not worth her time. Bullies feed on reactions. If you don't react, they lose interest, because their lives are empty, and bullying fills their time. The only person she needs to be popular with is herself!
2015-12-21 17:03:40 UTC
Bullying is such a horrible thing. I had lots of friends growing up but I never understood why some kids had to always bully others. Now it is OBVIOUS. Other kids bully because they are insecure and it makes them feel better about themselves. I think kids telling teachers or parents only make it worse when the parents go back and try to get a kid suspended or kicked out. What the parents should do is teach their kid how to fight back these little *** holes. They should pick out something of that other person and start making fun of them. Sadly, that is one of the best ways. Defend themselves!!!!!

Also, it is important to always talk to daughter and make sure she is doing ok. If it is seriously that bad transfer her schools. I have hospital worker friends and suicide attempts DO OCCUR for kids that get bullied. Sometimes kids need a fresh start.
2015-12-18 07:39:10 UTC
Bullying is so common among young people, and dangerous as well. There is outward bullying and there is silent bullying. Adults has the responsibility to keep their children or student safe from such harm. I find that email is the best way to address the issue. When my son brings such concerns as bullying home, we talk about it and I let him know the approach I will take. I immediately email the teacher about whats happening; I save the email. This makes the teacher in charge,or school staff in charge alert to the situation. If the bullying persist then I make a personal appearance to the school and privately discuss the matter with the teacher. Also, I make it a point to explain to the teacher to please approach the issue without my son's name being brought up, so as to protect him from being a teller-tell, which can also become a form of bullying, therefore sending the child/victim into silence. I invite you to visit the web sight, scroll down to the bottom, click on videos and in the display box select "For Teenagers" on the second page there should be a video you and your daughter can watch entitled "Beat A Bully Without Using Your Fist".
2015-12-17 19:31:06 UTC
transferring schools isn't going to do anything, she'll probably be bullied at the next.

Teachers acting like it's just girl stuff?

That needs to be changed. I would contact the principal until the bullying stops by getting proof like print outs and dont stop contacting the principal until the bullying ends.

And also if you can take your daughter to counseling outside of school to a therapist she can count on.

Hope it gets better for your daughter!
2015-12-11 04:49:53 UTC
Hello, my name is Amber. I actually might be of some help here. I was actually bullied to the point I tried to kill myself before my brother came home (skipping) and saw me. If it wasn't for him I would not be here to message this. I actually dropped out because it was so bad. Teachers sometimes don't care. I had drinks dumped on me, my backpacks vandalized multiple times, people called me names, pushed me over a table, dumped a tray on me, threw things at me, etc. So to the other comments teachers don't always take care of serious bullying because even if the evidence is there, they have to see it. I am 23 now, go to school, have a beautiful daughter (was with the father before he cheated) and model. If you want to keep her in that school but need somewhere for her to turn give her my FB.I have a lot of high school girls on there that are bullied and talk to me when they need to. I think it helps them to see someone once in their position doing so good. There is always hope. Tell her suicide doesn't Prevent things from getting worse it only prevents life from getting any better.
2015-12-13 05:40:01 UTC
Transfer her to a different school, don't allow her on the internet, get her into counselling or home school her before something bad happens that will devastate her. Also tell your daughter that bullies only bully when they are unhappy with their own lives and take their anger and sadness out on other people because they are jealous they are happier than them. Also I hope things get better for you and your daughter
2015-12-22 11:13:25 UTC
Three days ago the news of a friends suicide hit everyone in my town and it was more than difficult to deal with. We weren't close, although w talked every day in Math and French, and she was a very kind person, just a little troubled. She was bullied by many girls, although she was well like by many. Recently her and her friend had a large falling out and I suppose it was all too much for her.

Please don't let youself deal with the regret everyone is feeling right now wishing we helped her. She was only 15. Get your child to therapy if you can afford it, home school her if you're able, move her to a different school, hug her, tell her how important she is, and explain to her that all this pain is temporary, and that although life can me so ******* shitty that it is also beautiful in so many ways. God bless, I hope to God things work out, this breaks my heart.
2015-12-18 22:42:16 UTC
Teachers/counselors are a waste. Im so sorry to hear that. Im actually currently reading a book called Thirteen Reasons Why which is about a girl who recorded her thoughts via audio tape on the 13 reasons she committed suicide before she died. Ive personally been there, thru the bullying, the thoughts of suicide. Give her a reason to live. Give her hope. I dont know your specific circumstances, but give her all the love you know she deserves. Let her know that where ever love is lacking, youll be there to fulfill it. When i went through it, i was in 10th grade and i took comfort in poetry, diy's/crafts and in my religion. Help her channel that negative energy into a hobby. I had no friends to help me. My parents were COMPLETELY oblivious. I started missing school because my depression consumed me. I began homeschooling that year which REALLYYY helped. Maybe she can take a year off and do it online. Just to give her a mental break. I hope i helped
Valy jan
2015-12-20 19:27:29 UTC
Talk to the principle about this. They should be aware of your daughter's bullying. See if you can possibly transfer her to another school and take her to self-defensive class, some sort of martial arts class. Also, inform a guidance counsellor and have them help her. You can also, as an option, contact the school board. Just be open to your daughter when she talks about her bullying, its one of the best things to do. Ensuring how she is doing in school will likely draw her away from suicide.

I hope something works out!
2015-12-17 05:24:47 UTC
First, take your child to a councillor or a doctor they really work at helping people who feel suicidal and it may do your daughter good to talk about it with someone. Second, if your really concerned about the bullying getting violent or extremely bad go to the police, this is an option seeing as the school isn't helping.
2015-12-18 06:10:52 UTC
I suggest that she moves schools. If she is in a public school, try moving her to a catholic school. If you don't want her at a religious school, try enrolling her in a private school. If she does move schools, I suggest encouraging her to join some clubs or sports, because it is much easier to make friends with a common interest. If moving schools isn't an option, she should still join clubs/sports but I suggest that you call the principal and arrange a meeting with all of her teachers and guidance counslier. Tell them that your daughter is suicidal and how it is their responsibility to step in. Good luck to you and your daughter, hope things work out! Everything will get better!
2015-12-10 16:38:32 UTC
Have you ever considered home schooling.Schools aren't for everyone I think it's best not to be involved.Coming from the perspective of a 15 year old it would make me embarrassed if my mom tried to fight my battles.If your not keen on home schooling I would definitely try a new school and also teach your daughter coping mechanism for the bullying or some comebacks also if she's suicidal I would keep a close monitor on her.Hope it helps
2015-12-19 08:35:09 UTC
Unfortunately bullying is a sad but common aspect of human dynamics, but bullying is a CRIME. Bullying is learned behavior and just not acceptable. States and local lawmakers have passed anti-bullying laws. It's time to go over your schools head. Please, please, please protect your daughter, contact the local police department and your School Board. Demand that these people do their jobs. Even if you don't or can't talk about getting an attorney and suing, that often wakes people up. Contact sn attorney that offers a free consultation and ask for advice. The US Department has mandated that the school administrators, staff including teachers, students and students families need to take these incidents seriously.

Some things your daughter can do, keep cool, try to control your temper. Don't give into the fact that they want to see her in tears or fly off the handle. If things appear to be getting heated, walk away. In general try to steer clear of those who bully. Speak up for herself, chose a moment when she is calm, look the bully in the eye and speak in a firm level voice.

Mom, help to build your daughters self confidence. Please be proactive before she harms herself. See Awake 8/22/03 Awake article Bullying a Global Problem on
2015-12-18 07:16:49 UTC
As far as the suicidal thoughts or statements your daughter may be having over this is something you want to address with her as well. You sound like a supportive mom and that you care about her well being. Suicide is not an answer to being bullied and by doing that you would let the mean students "win." The fact that your daughter has reached out to you about this shows how strong she is! She doesn't want to be alone in this and she has you for support! Thanks again for reaching out about this. Hope you and your daughter stay strong and get through this.
2015-12-21 19:52:22 UTC
Let her know you're going to be there for her and give her a place to release her feelings, like a diary if shes not comfortable enough to open up to you. If you can you could go to her school and complain to the teachers about not doing anything, and ask your daughter if you can report the bullies because if she's not okay with it the bullies may come back harder and she will blame you for it. Also take her to therapy, it will help her improve alot. I hope your daughter begins to feel better. (And if the bullying gets worse, you can call the police)
2015-12-14 11:20:44 UTC
I've been there attempted it many of times my school did nothing no support. Which honestly is the worst thing , because you do feel abandoned and alone. With me I was always in hospital and they put mental health teams in CHAMS which is a counselling. She may need some sort of counseling maybe grouped ones or even a self of asteem to build her confidence up. For the moment ring the head teacher up threaten to take her out of school my mum did that, but that can be the worst thing because your isolating yourself from people. I think the best thing for her would to be change schools because you don't want her attempting that if shes being bullied.
The Carpenter
2015-12-19 02:17:46 UTC
How old are these punks and what city is this? I would pay some other punks to beat the **** out of those punks. Give your daughter permission to punch there lights out. I told my kids that if anyone was ever bullying them to go ahead and whoop that ***. I have gotten a few calls from the school but I would rather have that than my kid bullied. Bullies are weak as hell, clearly. They don't know what to do if you stand up to them. I remember this big fat bully named roger when I was in JR high, he pushed my friend Matt into a wall and he hit his head, I instinctively throw a quick punch, hit him I'm the ear barely.... And he started crying! Swear to god! I got in trouble and this loser outweigh me by 100 lbs at the very least...they were usually best by they're dads... As soon as someone attacks they have flashbacks or something....
2015-12-17 06:32:14 UTC
I've been in the same situation for all my school life... I kept getting bullied badly and it was non stop. The teachers also in your situation did the same thing with me. Never wanted to help. The best advice I can give you is to teach your daughter to defend herself.. Even better help her give the bullies a taste of their own medicine. People will say violence won't solve anything but in the end it did for me. They saw me as a weak person.. an easy target. That's what the bullies are seeing on your daughter. they think she's an easy target... Get her to prove she isn't weak. Make her kick the crap out of the bullies.. Makes them suffer and if the school says you're in the wrong. you can easily say you can give them a bad reputation for not helping your daughter.. Make them get karma is the best solution.
2015-12-11 15:51:13 UTC
This situation has lots of reasons.

1. She's not Socially Accepted

2.She stated a problem with other students and she doesn't know it

3.She goes to a school with bad ghetto kids or mean high quality kids

4.She did something online bad that people know about in real life

I would take your daughter to self defense classes and transfer schools staying in the school won't help and tell your daughter not to care what anyone thinks unless she likes what they think also check her school ratings on and if the doctor wants to assigned her a prescription for medicine to help don't accept because all medicine does do you for mental issues is just make your addicted to it and then when you get older it damages your internal body parts I remember being on medication for mental issues after I did not want my medicine I got sick from a reaction this answer will totally help your daughter
2015-12-17 16:14:47 UTC
I'll share you my experience

I was born a social loving kid and was able to make everyone smile, then I moved country. I was bullied for 3 years straight. Physically, mentally, verbally, and online. I was a fool. I was beaten up after school and at break for any reason or movement I would do. The teachers would mock me and make me stand in from off the class so everyone could laugh at me. I nearly got raped once by some boys. I changed school after three years and now I suffer from social anxiety and depression. It's been 6 years since I've wanted to kill myself and It's not done. I've survived three suicide attempts.

The school ****** me up so bad that I wanted to kill a kid and torture them, then run away.

So if you don't want your daughter to become like me, you might want to act REAL FAST.
2015-12-14 12:09:23 UTC
Hi Jamie, great to hear from you, but sorry that circumstances aren't great for you or your daughter though. School dop have a responsibility to protect our children, but sadly these days they can barely protect themselves, yet still that shouldn't stop them trying to protect your daughter or any other child in their care period. You've had lots of great advice and I can only say use whatever means are at your disposal because schools don't like to be in the press or on social media for the neglect of their pupils. The more avenues that you use the better, and when they finally come banging on your door as to why, calmly and patiently as you've done in the past say to save my daughters life and any other child going through the same thing at her school. Your very act may also save many other children going through the same circumstances if enough media coverage is exposed to your story. I wish you and your daughter the very best and hope life becomes far less stressful for yor daughter real soon.
2015-12-14 07:26:05 UTC
I've been there so I understand what your daughter is going through, what I suggest is that you should start with building her self-esteem and make her feel proud of who she is no matter what the thing she's being bullied about. Always tell her that she's strong and confident even if she doesn't believe it at first, she'll start believing it after a while. Alwaaaayyyyssss be there for her no matter what, show her that she isn't alone, show her how much you love her and how much it'll break you if you lost her.
2015-12-20 08:50:16 UTC
I'm 13, and I've been through a lot but I know how to defend myself.

When I was in 4th grade I was constantly bullied, and I used to come home crying. I remember that I almost killed my self that day. Anyway, my parents put me in this counseling class for about 6 months and it taught me so much. I learned to defend myself and all of that.

So I recommend putting your daughter in counseling classes, or if that doesn't help for her go to school and talk to the principal about it. Or maybe you should do that first? your choice, but I know what she's going through and I hope she gets the best help as possible.
2015-12-11 04:51:48 UTC
I don't understand what wrong with human beings...this is horrible...the bigger crime that to commit is to let it happen and do nothing about it...if she's getting bullied go to the principle spread awareness in school and don't send her there...this is too much...why can't people accept and love is it that hard? Why hurt others ? If required change her school...but how many times can u change her school?? Home schooling is an option but that won't help her in her life skills to survive she has to learn this...every scar makes us who we are if needed I can talk to her...I'm no counceller but I'm a normal teenage girl like her i can help her her friend....she can snapchat ID is gandotramannat its just a phase of life it will only make her stronger and I'm happy to stand by her
2015-12-18 06:27:02 UTC
I can relate to your daughter, a lot. Here's what I did to solve the problem: my parents made many calls to the guidance counselor, nothing happened. We arranged a meeting with the guidance counselor AND principal, they just wanted me to return back to school but I was too scared. So we did the last thing we could do, went to school board, the head of it all. They enrolled me in a cyber school program they have and even though it's a tough process and a little long, I'm finally getting to be my old self again. Either get her in a new school with a fresh start or enroll her in a cyber program. But get her out of that school and quickly do so!!
2015-12-11 05:19:41 UTC
I feel that the best way to deal with this is to let your daughter transfer to another school. She will get a new environment and make new friends! A whole new fresh start for her! I'm sure we all wish that bullying never existed. Hope things get better for your daughter!
2015-12-20 00:29:15 UTC
To help with bullying at school I wouldn't make her move schools if you are telling her it doesn't matter what they say. That is just hypocritical and telling her to run from her problems. Show her she has a reason to live by love and attention. Watch her closely though and talk to the school principal to help with the problem. If there is still a problem with her take her to a therapist you never know there can be some deep inner problems she hasn't talked about.
2015-12-22 11:27:49 UTC
Teachers are like that unfortunately :( tell your daughter that she's better than them. Tell her to be strong. I have been in this place, rock bottom. In my opinion, it's fight or flight. She could go, confront the bullies, and stand up for herself. In some places, this may get her in trouble. Or, she could switch schools. I went to an all-girls high school, the sisterhood was perfect and no one was ever alone. Maybe she doesn't want to look weak by switching, but it's about her safety and well-being, not what others think. I was bullied in 7th grade, I stayed home for so much of that year. When 8th grade came, I decided I would go to school, and stand up for myself. I would go and face it, and eventually it stopped. I finished 8th grade, and I'm so glad I did. Remember-bullies are just insecure people. When they mess with others, they rise to the top by putting others to the bottom. It's hard to believe, I know, but trust me, it gets better. She's worth it. Best of luck.
2015-12-13 10:14:01 UTC
I agree with Poseiden. You should persist in contacting the head and if that doesn't work then ask who else you can talk to.

Don't give up. Bullying ruins lives and your daughter will always think that there is something wrong with her because she was bullied.

I wish you and your daughter all the best.
2015-12-16 09:11:01 UTC
Have u taken it beyond the teachers to the school board? they will most likely take more action since the teachers have failed to do so. if u have or that has not been of help, try contacting the police. trust me it is a law matter at this point. especially if they are threats. if u want serious consequences for these bullies the police are the only way to go. they will scare them straight believe me. what they are doing is harassment which is definately a crime and a serious one. this apparently is the only thing that will work at this point. i have two children of my own and ill be damned if some punkass bullies did those things to my kids. id have the cops on them so fast it would make their head spin
2015-12-14 00:08:34 UTC
Get her out of there NOW. I would be dead right now if I had not gone to a different school because of the bullying. The bullies did not stop even when the administration acted and even the others who weren't bullies tried their best to ignore me and not interact with me lest they be subjected to the same treatment for associating with me. At another high school, I graduated. Had I stayed, I would not be here writing this.
2015-12-11 02:17:23 UTC
Unfortunately loads of children get bullied. Pulling her out of school may just give her severe anxiety around people.

Your daughter has GOT to carry on going to school. HOWEVER I would suggest to keep reassuring her about people. Like for example: my daughter is 6, they always fall out at school and my daughter tells me that a certain child falls out with my daughter and pulls nasty faces at her. I tell my daughter that she should keep on smiling at this girl and to not be nasty back, I reassure her that some people don't think the same and don't like playing the same things. But to be friends with who ever she likes and to not stop being friends with someone because someone else tells her to. Always be kind.

I also suggest you get your child to a counsellor whom can boost her confidence and tell her that she's not in the wrong and how to approach these people.

Sadly as a parent and in my opinion, I would want to put those kids down, name and shame them. Nobody likes a bully!
2015-12-13 11:30:55 UTC
I don't get it. Why are you whining to strangers on Yahoo? You need to be in the principals office demanding that something be done to insure your daughters safety. Go everyday if that's what it takes. Next, call the police and see about filing a police report. Call the district attorney, repeatedly if need be, to see of there are charges that can be brought. Take your complaints to the district level, if your principal does not help. Let the school know that you are happy to hire an attorney and let the courts settle this problem. My point is, don't just sit around whining.
2015-12-21 22:56:47 UTC
Show her all the kids help phone lines, tell her everyday that you love her, I had a friend over the Internet help me, she lives on the other side of the world, it helps to talk to someone who can't judge you for your face. Ask her if she wants to go to a different school, take her to a psychiatrist so she can talk about her feelings, if they offer meds make sure that you sit with your daughter and look at all the pros and cons of that med, her brain is an organ and organs need medicine when they are not well. Make sure she gets plenty of vitamin D (found in sunlight), it makes you happy. Remind her that she is loved. Make sure she knows that you are there for her.

This is from experience of being depressed, I never made it to the thought of taking my life because I took part in all of these things. I took medication and it helped, I did not get horribly addicted, I quit and only had strange cravings of salt for a week. Tell her that 'Leah cares and hopes you get better' for me please
anon link police
2015-12-16 15:06:05 UTC
Call the principal and ask for a meeting with the Teacher and the Parents of the bullying student. They will arrange a meeting. Mention that you are looking into getting a Lawyer, that usually scares them enough to do their job properly. If that fails then I suggest you go a level higher and also contact the Union representative for the school and explain that the staff isn't doing their job properly, but only after the meetings prove to be a failure.
2015-12-21 04:54:42 UTC
Well if the teachers don't care about it then you must get the police involved! I know it's tough and you may not want to, but you will need to get the police to deal with the bullying since school staff don't care. That's just out of order that the school won't deal with it themselves! I've been in the same situation before. At my old school staff wouldn't deal with bullying but the police did of course so I know how your daughter feels don't worry.
2015-12-12 06:54:36 UTC
I'm in high school and teacher actually don't care trust me they act like they do once the parent goes up to the school but other than that try moving her schools ,students won't stop bullying someone unless they get beat up , SK try to move her schools and hopefully that works for your daughter
2015-12-18 01:57:05 UTC
This is very wide discussion.

Lets first start from You. How You act with Your daughter? Do you always protect her? What is Your attitude, because kids copying parents.

Does Your daughter learn how she can classify something that is real and not real, like curse from physical attack.

You need to strengthen her mental strength and then get her to martial art like karate, taekwondo and such. Martial art where You have codex. Where You can practice mind and body. Don't take her to MMA or kick box like martial arts. She is week with mind and she cannot be open minded and relaxed, so she will break couple of noses in 2 minutes, and she will continue in rebel way of thinking and that leads to problems.

Dont protect her. Let her go to live her life, bit tell her that she cannot be so serious with words and other people thinking. Learn her real and wide values and she will be fine.
2015-12-22 15:35:07 UTC
I agree with the others who posted to move to a new school if that's at all possible I'd suggest teaching her self esteem and being more inner directed than being concerned with what other kids think too. Its important to stand up to bullies. Perhaps if you tell your daughter just because someone says whatever.doesn't prove its true.
2015-12-12 16:07:59 UTC
Hey I'm sorry this is happening. It happened to me too, and its literally true that teachers and the school faculty don't care if your child is being's really sad. all i can say is that you should look into changing schools, because that would be for her best benefit. A new start really helps!!! It helped me when I went to high school. Good luck, I wish you the best
2015-12-13 13:39:19 UTC
I am the same as your daughter people bully because they are either jealous or have no life or they have stuff going on at home or they are being bullied so they take out there pain and anger on others.

What I did to stop people from bullying me (fyi people are still bullying me so.....yeah but only verbal they do not dare to lay a hand on me) was I learned how to fight I dress in an imitating manner and well now because of what they said I am now emo,suicidal,I have dysthmia now,anxiety (fear of being beat up again) I do not show my emotions anymore which is hell for my parents because one of those emotions is love so they feel like I do not love them but that is not the case I just do not remember how to show love or emotion minus anger and rage

Just a note if I were you I would be careful with your daughter do not let her do hw on her own because considering she sounds the same as me she will figure out how to cut herself with lead or a pencil with a metal end, also do not let her wash the dishes if there is a knife or glass involved because she sounds like if this continues she will start cutting to get out her pain also be prepared for her grades to drop because after the stress of bullying and testing and hw she will eventually stop doing her work (example I am supposed to be doing hw right now) just be careful with her and be there for her and try to force her to tell her emotions because at times that helps with not making me feel suicidal knowing someone is there to listen to me and someone will just shut up and listen and not fricking talk.

Just be there for her and get her a punching bag she will need it because she will need it
2015-12-19 20:27:54 UTC
I'm 26 years old (almost 27) and can say I was bullied from about the 6th/7th grade until the end of my sophomore year in high school. That last year was the worst, as I am a female and I was bullied by the entire wrestling team at my high school because I refused to do the star wrestler's portion of our science lab. I was thrown into lockers, I had the word "Lesbian" spray painted on my locker (this didn't offend me, as I consider myself an LGBT supporter), but it was embarrassing because it brought attention to my very insecure, introverted self. I was fortunate and my Dad's job had us relocated my sophomore year of high school. The bullying made me want to end my life, but thanks to the words of wisdom from my parents (and a friend I made while eating my lunch in a bathroom stall that sophomore year), I kept thinking to myself: "One day, these kids are going to be old jerks with crappy jobs and I'm going to show them up". It was the greatest motivation. I spoke to a therapist who didn't prescribe me drugs to slow my brain down, make me sleep, or make me feel "stupid". Instead, she used holistic and natural ways to use my talent (writing) to help me "write it out". At 26, I have never felt better. And the icing on the cake? Those guys that bullied me are all unemployed, living with their parents and already balding/overweight. They'll get their turn. Your daughter will want to stick around to see it. Trust me. Long story short: my suggestion--therapy (not a psychiatrist, they'll try to write her a script for anything and everything), move if you can or change schools, let her know that it WILL GET BETTER. I don't know if this thing links to my e-mail, but if she needs to talk to someone who has been there, it's swtsarahndipity @
2015-12-12 18:42:38 UTC
I see this all the time man. It's sad when there isn't anything to do about kids bullying your daughter in school. Her mind isn't able to cooperate with the stress so you need to homeschool her. She will never learn; she is young and only understands how she feels. Do not leave her alone.
white devil
2015-12-18 04:36:03 UTC
Well, tell your daughter the next time she is being bullied, she needs to punch the ***** is the nose and don't stop punching until the other person is done. Then she needs to make it clear to the bully that this will happen again if she tries the **** again, but next one will be worse. Sometimes we are forced to fight. It's never a fun thing to do, but standing up to a bully will keep you from having to do it again.
2015-12-16 05:00:46 UTC
daughter is suicidal by a bully at school
2015-12-10 08:10:07 UTC
Take her out of the school... Homeschool her.. I'm 17 and i was the same way when i was 13... My mom took me out of the school home schooled me and brought me into a different school system i now have never had a problem with bullying and i have so many friends and i love life!!!😊
2015-12-10 06:17:47 UTC
Help her. Dont go to the school youll probably make it worse parent fighting kids battle kind of thing. Does she have friends? if she has one really good friend take them both to the movies or a concert or something (something fun!) just get her mind off it and remind her that there is much more to the world than highschool! Also empty your med cabnit when I was suicidal thats what I went for get everything out even asprin until your sure shes past it. Most teens think pills will not hurt that is not true they hurt and they dont always work.
2015-12-21 20:12:35 UTC
I got severely bullied when I was younger...I understand how it can feel. I don't know how I got through it but I did. something that I wished I would have done is stuck up for myself, and I think your daughter should too. also, if they are bullying her online, deactivate all forms of social media. once a girl was bullying me online and I tried to frighten her by saying I would show the principal the conversation and she panicked and literally CALLED my houseand I never picked up. so if they are bullying her online, tell her to use that to frighten them and even have her print out the convos to show authorities.

I hope your daughter feels better
2015-12-11 19:02:34 UTC
That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear of yours and your daughters plight. I would suggest going to the school board and lodging a complaint. If that somehow doesn't seem to make a difference, then I would consider speaking to your mla, or municipal political representetive. Or you could always take the matter up with the police or courts as well.
2015-12-10 16:32:23 UTC
What have YOU done? My kid went through that. Know what I did when the school didn't act? I went down there and demanded a meeting. Met with teachers, administrators and assistants. Made it clear in no uncertain terms that if the school didn't handle it then I would. And that meant my kid had standing orders from me to attack and hurt the bully or she would get beat by ME when she got home. The school handled it PRONTO. Problem solved.
Chaotic Ambition
2015-12-19 09:14:09 UTC
Bullying is not ok in any form. There are options beyond the teachers and principals to get the issue resolved. Take the matter to the super intendant. There are laws in place to keep your child safe, you have options, use them. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have your daughter speak with a counselor as well. Talking to someone can help her to rebuild her confidence, and help her move past this rough patch in her life. But please, I can't stress this enough, go beyond the schools local authority if they truly are not doing anything to help her.
James M
2015-12-21 15:25:47 UTC
Tell her to toughen up. I've been bullied all my life. It is part of life. I started out 1st grade as the smallest kid in the class. I was even small then the girls. I graduate high school at 5'11" 135#. By the time I was 40 years old, I was 5'11" 220#, and very strong.

Bullying continue all through my life so size and strength did not matter. In my middle age, I developed defenses.

Avoid crowds. Bullies like a crowd. When I'm standing around waiting to punch out, I play games on my cell phone. Complement people. Always smile. Say good morning. Never complain. If ask how are you, then say great. If someone gets a new hair cut, then say "Got a hair cut Looks nice". Never speak critical of anyone.

Why be Miss Goody Goody two shoes? Because Bullies like to pick on weak people. Happy people are not weak.

If they do something mean to you, then show no emotion. If the ruin you coat, then say I wanted a new coat anyway. Do not say "Look what they did to my coat" Do not attack anyone. Why? Because this is what they want.

The Bully wants you to cry, and plead for mercy, which is how the bully gets their satisfaction.

If the Bully threaten you then go to authorities. A threat is a real reason to seek help. Unless you can prove damage, do nothing.
2015-12-19 06:02:03 UTC
I used to be bullied.and nothing was done. Finally one of my friends got a video of it gettimg beat up in school while I was on crutches. My mom called the news and the state superintendent. Not 2 days later the group of kids were suspended not only with bullying but with possession of marijuana and the principal was replaced. My advice. Don't be the nice guy. You will get walked over you.have to be mean to get it.fixed.
2015-12-19 19:16:52 UTC
Get your daughter into counseling. She may not want to go but just being able to talk to someone removed from the situation will help her greatly. Transfer schools, her into a sport/music/some hobbies that she enjoys, and make sure she knows she has support because feeling alone in these situations is horrible. Your question broke my heart and I really hope that she finds happiness.

God bless
2015-12-22 10:36:09 UTC
I'm a 16 yr old girl so I understand but I was never exactly officially bullied I consider but just made some mistakes and were judged for them which I admit to and I look back like"wow" but to her I say I get you but you're so young and you don't understand all of this yet & you just have to let yourself morph into the person you are first and don't make my mistakes, be more social so people will know you better before they f*** with you. But if it helps I'm a shy (introverted) person with a low self esteem also but I think it's nobody's fault but mine bc I honestly I'm so stupid & just awkward, and not so educated with conversing well with others I guess, and I can sound kind of self-centered and rude sometimes I think, and I have MANY physical things I hate with me like how physically ugly I perceive myself to this world and people say "your not ugly, or everyone's pretty/cool" and I'm just like🙉😔 I know but I think to this world and how the initial judgement is to the eye/brain.
Alright alright alright
2015-12-21 15:10:03 UTC
Well give the girl some confidence get her nice clothes make her feel like she is preety and worth something take her to the mall like everykid and buy her some athletic apparel to start practicing for cheer or vollyball or softball why dont you.Take her to go run and get fit so she can blow steam take her to soccer practice and watch how they interact is she the problem are they the problem WHO IS THE PROBLE.You are not doing enough i think you are apart of it aswell.How is she doing in school is she studying how about involvment are you putting her in activities is she going to good groups etc.If it does not work out at that school you move her to a new school with new people and MAKE SURE THIS ACTIVITY HAPPENS AND YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN PERIOD.
2015-12-22 06:16:40 UTC
Now this is a very difficult situation in which I am . I have never gone through bullying in my school life .I always looked at bullying as a minor issue till it happened to my child. She is in grade 8th and a very bright student
2015-12-12 08:36:04 UTC
I don't think you should go to the school about it because it might start rumors about your daughter and make her feel worse. I suggest a cyber school program and some activities. Sign her up for ice skating, musicals, instrument lessons, ask her what she wants to do. And also maybe some therapy to see how that works:)
2015-12-20 22:11:47 UTC
I propose that she moves schools. In the event that she is in a state funded school, have a go at moving her to a catholic school. In the event that you don't need her at a religious school, have a go at selecting her in a tuition based school. In the event that she moves schools, I propose urging her to join a few clubs or dons, in light of the fact that it is much less demanding to make companions with a typical hobby. On the off chance that moving schools isn't a choice, she ought to still join clubs/wears yet I recommend that you call the important and mastermind a meeting with every last bit of her educators and direction counslier. Let them know that your little girl is self-destructive and how it is their obligation to venture in. Good fortunes to you and your little girl, trust things work out! Everything will show signs of improvement
2015-12-17 09:59:49 UTC
Take her to get help and then tell the school office I was bully in school when I was in school and now I've graduated mom saw the black and blue on my body from the kids and my mom got me help I went to talk to someone and my mom told the school office and then the bullying stopped
2015-12-12 10:17:03 UTC
If that were my child, they would be transferred or home schooled until something else could be figured out. I would NEVER put up with do know that this is going to be a life long struggle in her life, the pain alone will be hard for her to overcome even as an adult. Bullying these days is much worse than it was when you were a kid, these kids attack others kid's emotions and psychological state....not to scare them...but to destroy them. This world is not as rosey and uncomplicated as it was when you were a child. Bullying is detrimental in these times. You need to protect and guide your daughter any and every way you can so that she can have a chance in be successful. Emotional and psychological pain is much much worse than physical pain....and we arent talking about physical pain here...these kids are much too smart to get caught beating another child and much too smart to know that physical pain is nothing compared to emotional and psychological pain. The very building block to bounce back a child from physical abuse, is their psychological and mental state...something these kids are destroying so she wont be able to rebuild herself later on. This world has gotten a lot more manipulative and cunning....and you are your daughters only guidance and defense for protection and health. Do not let them destroy her psychological and emotional health...or she wont make it in life.

Not every situation calls for drastic measures, but your child is being you want her to become suicidal and disturbed for the rest of her life in these very formative years? No you do not! You help her fight and fight for her!!! You are the parent, you let no bastards harm your child. Most situations do not call for drastic measures, but I am pretty sure this child needs somebody to take her out of this situation and put in her one that isnt devastating and destructive to her well being for years to come. Life is full of bumps and bruises, but psychological and emotional bullying is deadly. They wont even have to put a finger on her...they will manipulate her into doing it herself...and have her commit her own suicide. Do not let that happen to your child. You are the parent, you get with the times and protect your kid, pronto!

Most likely, the bullies wont be weeded out or punished, thats usually a given...thats why you have to take it upon yourself to do what is right for your child personally. If you can get the school to properly punish or get through to these kids, then you are a much better parent than most....the majority of the time, the attempt is not waste anymore time, get your daughter out of there. asap.
2015-12-18 14:55:01 UTC
Continue to keep a close eye on her to make sure she's not going to do anything to herself. Talk to her to get her confidence up, and try to teach her ways to stand up for herself that she can use. Talk about the things she's getting bullied for and find a positive. Talk to the parents of other kids. Do not let this slide until it is stopped. Bring her to self defense classes.
2015-12-10 08:35:56 UTC
and people wonder why there are mass murders in out schools. These Bullies and the morons who go along with these bullies just to be cool are brainless idiots who parents abuse them in one way or another. These bullies pass their aggression onto others... They are the ones who need to be taught a lesson along with their douchebag parents.

Keep your kid out of school until the authorities do something about it.
2015-12-11 13:36:22 UTC
Teachers and even principal's don't give a crap if a student is getting bullied. They ignore it most of the time. However, if a student walks in late to class by just one minute, then they want to make their lives miserable by giving them detentions or not letting them in the class for that day. I tell you, life is very unfair.
2015-12-21 23:54:45 UTC
You need to teach her to speak up for herself even if she is outnumbered. With youth sometimes fear of not being liked or labels a ***** or mean as a female can actually mentally force her to conform. Its a cage of sorts. If someone is messing with her head. You teach her how to defend herself. I'm no saying she needs to do what he wants or play fire with fire. Make her mentally stronger so she can tackle whatever comes her way.

When girls bully they play mental games where as men get more physical.....damn I need to stop myself, girls fight too. So if anything is going on even I she thinks is not a fair fight and she might lose so she might as well take it teach her another way.

Daily have her explain scenarios and what happens and how it gets to her. The best way you can advice her is to know exactly what is going on.

She's not snitching to anyone she's simply reaching out for assistance.the meek sometimes need the aggressive to show them how its done.
2015-12-14 21:53:59 UTC
Pull her out of that school and transfer somewhere else. If she's an upper classmen in high school find a good private online school. She will finish years earlier and can move onto her free life.
2015-12-16 22:27:05 UTC
I suggest you have her switch schools, it's not healthy to be around all that. If that doesn't work pull her out if public school and try online school for a while. If they won't do anything you have to, it's the sad reality. Hope I helped
2015-12-13 13:26:08 UTC

Here is a link to an article titled, "What if I'm being Bullied"? Please go over this brief article along with your daughter.

She will definitely be encouraged by the article. You can even just click on it and listen to it, and look at the pictures.

It will also lead her to more helpful articles and short videos that can potentially be life saving!
2015-12-19 00:58:05 UTC
I've been through that. My mom had no idea, I had suicidal thoughts. But when she found out, the best thing for me was, she just talked to me. Made me feel special. Made me feel loved. Now I'm happy, engaged, with a lot of loving friends.
2015-12-13 23:36:42 UTC
Be there for her, listen to her. Talk to her about moving school.

Tell her that ending herself because of the bullies isn't worth it. They aren't worth her life. Think about the people that care for her. What would happen to them? How would they feel?
2016-04-30 20:34:04 UTC
Be there for your daughter but this thought of her harming herself upsets me. I want you please to have her read the advice I will send :

Hello young one , I want you to understand words do hurt and God loves you. Now God would not want you to end your life cause school is just a stage. It's a stage where kids who are quiet and innocent they like to pick on. What they say has no bearing on your life. So what I want you to do is realize you are special and we all go through awkward stages. Your best weapon is master your "Comeback lines ". For example on girls and this works for popular girls too . Girls have hairstyles ,shoes, colors. Find something on them and just make fun of it even if it looks fine. For example, if a girl is wearing uggs boots on them say "Um do you ever wash those I can smell your foot odor down hall ? If she's wearing a sandal say "Um,? Where do you get pedicures with a guy who owns a saw ? If it's a color shirt she has say . Omg that color is so not you
2015-12-21 15:41:49 UTC
I'm ash I'm 15 and I can help because I am suicidal and bullied as well. I'll give you my email:
2015-12-16 20:53:09 UTC
Im sorry,seek Christian Counseling,a Christian Bible based Church to attend an prayer group,an ask Jesus for healing,peace,Jesus loves you, your daughter,the bullies,an us all,can heal,help her forgive,an we just ask Jesus in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved,He is Faithful and Just to forgive all sins,praise The LORD. An google Beth Moore an Charles Stanley, great Christian teachers to encourage you,an her in Jesus an read Psalm 139 may The LORD Jesus Bless,speak to,save you,your daughter,the bullies, us all, lost,here,give good Christians in her,an their paths,bring peace in Holy Spirit, take suicidal thoughts away,by Jesus stripes she is healed,saved, thank You Jesus amen shalom Israel,family,

Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 God is a Refuge for us.Ps 62:8 more about Jesus.prayer
2015-12-17 11:52:15 UTC
I have never understood people being suicidal because someone is making them miserable. I can't get why they would harm themselves because of some lowlife. I have always had a different way of handling things. I always took care of the person (problem) making me miserable or giving me a hard time. Why hurt yourself because someone else is a complete douche canoe? Teach her to take care of the problem and that isn't herself.
2015-12-11 23:10:51 UTC
Confront the bullies outside of school. Humiliate them in some way. You may get charged but many will see your actions as justified.
2015-12-10 05:48:19 UTC
You should either take her to another school, or talk to the bullies parents and see if it helps, if it doesnt take her to another school and make sure the teachers at the other school dont get away with this!
2015-12-14 11:48:39 UTC
It's the teachers who raise daft bully children like them. Simply because it's fashionable. Change her school.
2015-12-18 02:24:05 UTC
I went through the same thing. I changed my look and things seemed to change a little but then I changed my attitude(since I was super innocent and polite) and confronted them and fought back and they started to back up. I would have however, LOVED that my parents changed me to a new school because my teachers didn't give a crap. They usually don't. Please change her schools. Also teacher to be a little bit tougher please. Nowadays kids need to be prepared for that or other misbehaves kids will treat them as they wish. I blame parenting.
Krystalyn Lee
2015-12-21 14:06:33 UTC
I just wanted to say other then taking her out of that school, take her off social media (if she's on it) if she decided to have one after she's doing better somewhere else you & she can monitor who she's having as friends. Social media can add a lot of stress for your daughter.
2015-12-17 21:33:43 UTC
My suggestions are:

Let her attend martial arts classes

Transfer her to another school

Make sure she has no weapons at ALL

Tell her principal

Move away and give her a new, fresh start
2015-12-19 15:55:36 UTC
The best thing to do is talk with her. Let her know how lucky she is, kids out here are suffering and that other people have it worse. You don't want your daughter suffering. Let her know that stuff they say aren't true and that their just doing that for their own entertainment
2015-12-17 18:48:09 UTC
take your child to a therapist as well as change schools, also not all medication is bad obviously if she is depressed it is important but if it's just a hatred for her surroundings you can do a lot to change it, remind her that the bullying stems from self-loathing, she is not the problem the problem is that they dislike something about themselves and have projected it on to her
2015-12-11 13:24:51 UTC
Simply walk her into another school of your choice tomorrow and politely ask that she be placed their because of constant stress from bullies in the other school.
2015-12-20 06:26:02 UTC
I think it would be good if you sent her to school social worker or even director and if it doesn't stop i would inform police about it. Everyone has a right to have a peace, no matter what.
2015-12-13 22:02:40 UTC
You can talk to the school about it, transfer her to another school (if there are others, there) or move to another city. But talk to the school, first. If the school system is any good, they should be willing to transfer the bullies out of the school district.
2015-12-13 02:29:02 UTC
Yeah I know how it feel u should move toanother school u cant fix bullys like in. Movie
Linda R
2015-12-22 09:32:06 UTC
Search, around your community, for a 'Self Defense' studio. They will show your daughter

how to defend herself.
2015-12-21 07:41:27 UTC
that's plain silly. suicidal over a cancer diagnosis or a life in prison sentence, sure, makes sense. bullying, no way.
2015-12-22 06:46:12 UTC
Go to the schools resource officer or the schools principal... Violence isn't the way to go so I wouldn't get her into any classes that would help defend her... And talk to her everyday and try to relate with her about the situation...
2015-12-14 23:52:51 UTC
Even i do the same for the dear bcos lot of times we needed to more caution about our family and they need you more than other. So, we don't let them go easily just like that. We have to strict action to this guys and don't have to wait for when crime may be happened to anyone.
2015-12-19 16:02:30 UTC
take care of it now u don't wanta be to late and if u know who's doing the bullying I would take matters into my own hands,go to their parents,keep ur daughter away from the negatively.It happens all the time and it's preventable if we can catch it before it's to late
2015-12-21 06:31:45 UTC
If I were in your situation I would order the with the head of the school to remedy the situation and if he fails I would punch his lights out in order to make him understand what it feels like to be bullied.
2015-12-13 12:16:08 UTC
Firstly ,make it known to the school principal in writing,stating your intention to withdraw the child from school activities,secondly make your doctor aware of the situation ,but mire importantly tell your daughter of your intentions and support her through every stage.
2015-12-19 19:51:56 UTC
Be there for her and talk to the principle about it! Bullies are horrible! Let her know everything will be fine one day don't let her harm herself!
2015-12-17 18:54:35 UTC
Your daughter Is a week human
2015-12-12 15:26:05 UTC
Change school asap if talking with the school authorities won't work, be supportive to her and good luck!
2015-12-18 13:25:48 UTC
i can't tell you how to get rid of the bullies but i can tell you how to prevent her from commenting suicide.

Give her money.
2015-12-11 15:08:19 UTC
and you need to post it here to find out what you can do about it. the first thing that comes to my mind is to report it to the police department. if the school don't care or do anything about it, it is up to you to do something. if your child do commit suicide what are they going to do about that? and what will bring her back? tell the police and if that don't work go to the media (newspaper or television station)
2015-12-10 08:19:55 UTC
before her make sure you do girly things with her which make her smile.. be with her at every step of the way.

i would home school her i would also have a meeting with the headteacher with the bullies parents too and tell them how serous has got.
2015-12-16 13:19:41 UTC
She needs someone to talk to. You or a friend etc . If the school does nothing about she should transfer schools.
2015-12-13 05:51:08 UTC
You need to switch schools and report them because this is ridiculous and they should make students feel safe instead there not doing anything and you could sue them for negligence
2015-12-10 14:11:44 UTC
I Gott so much sh*t at school !!!! After my car accident school was hell !!!! I wagged a lot & I did hopelessly !! But I got through it !!! The kids at school were so horrible !!! I hated it !!!!! Just be kind to your daughter & that's all you can do !!!
2015-12-20 15:19:48 UTC
I have 1000 legitimate reasons to kill myself. None of them include bullying or whether my parents are this or that or if anybody actually likes me. People need to toughen the **** up.
2015-12-10 19:47:14 UTC
Send her to a different school , give her a new start . It helps a lot trust me
2015-12-20 19:38:36 UTC
Wow that is Bullshit, why don't the ******* teachers care. Isn't the main *** rule to tell a trusted adult. Why the **** aren't teachers doing anything?. Sorry for the profanity but this just pissed me off
2015-12-18 21:13:23 UTC
Transfer schools! Staying won't help. I've been there.
2015-12-19 11:16:58 UTC
Get her involved into a church where she can learn about God. Self help books would also work to have her built self confidence. She has to learn to be happy despite circumstances. Good luck !
2015-12-21 11:34:16 UTC
Put your daughter into boxer immediately for self defense
2015-12-13 21:36:45 UTC
Take her to a new school that doesn't give her problems
2015-12-10 06:18:41 UTC
the school must be corrupt for not taking any action. make your daughter transfer to another school. correct that, a better school*.
2015-12-11 08:39:38 UTC
Jamie.....I don't believe minute you are autistic and then you are a girl who'd been seduced by a Cameroonian man......You don't have an eight-year-old are a troll.....
2015-12-10 07:26:51 UTC
Talk to the year head/principle if you are not satisfied with how the school is dealing with the problem then I suggest that you move her to another school
Prisoner of trumpflu etc
2015-12-20 20:02:44 UTC
A good quality multivitamin will build self esteem. Pharmaton.
2015-12-13 02:39:31 UTC
It works both ways, teachers have to stop bullying while students have to be more tolerant with each other.

On the other hand please please please teach your daughter to be able to adapt to society and to be like the majority, to avoid being bullied, questioned or persecuted for who she is. This is sad but sadly its the truth.
great knight
2015-12-12 19:17:11 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth. Read Romans chapter 5. Here is wisdom: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.

For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee."-the Word of God.

Time to sue school, send certified letter about issue and then if no help, have to sue and do private or home school. Jesus loves you!
2015-12-18 20:14:41 UTC
Take her out the school and sign her up for self defense classes ASAP
2015-12-17 16:09:15 UTC
i get bullied at school too and sometimes we just want to talk about it talk to her annd take her to therapy possibly change her school
2015-12-10 05:47:11 UTC
be there for her all time talk all time and take her to adventures she needs love it will her better, have some cousins to your house, talk to the bullies parents do everything
2015-12-18 18:36:25 UTC
Arm her with a Mossberg Slugster and let them TRY to bully her........
2015-12-17 02:17:57 UTC
Be there for her... She needs you more than ever! I'm going threw the same and my parents aren't there for me! It sucks
2015-12-19 04:00:47 UTC
Talk to the principal or the the bully's parents.
2015-12-19 19:00:15 UTC
there is a huge inner problem if she feels taking her life is the answer she does need help of a professional not a question forum
2015-12-10 18:48:29 UTC
Go to a higher authority (principal, superintendent etc.), get her consoling, and speak with the consular too so you can better help her.
2015-12-19 02:40:39 UTC
I agree with the self defense classes and mental health counselling
Ryan Molen
2015-12-16 19:19:35 UTC
A pot of boiling water can soften the potatoes but the same water can harden an egg
2015-12-13 22:10:35 UTC
ur gunna hate me like alot... but a self defense builds confidence...... put her in some muy thai or kick boxing classes tae kwon do would be great
2015-12-19 06:26:38 UTC
Do what we Conservatives do! Arm your daughter!
2015-12-18 22:38:33 UTC
Try home schooling.
2015-12-20 14:11:10 UTC
Try to report to police
2015-12-12 05:34:09 UTC
Change schools or tell her to fight back
Michelle Denton
2015-12-10 07:51:35 UTC
I would change school and send her different school or homeschool her.
2015-12-22 14:53:29 UTC
If you care about your daughter.. Let her be homeschooled
2015-12-10 15:39:44 UTC
take her to a doctor ASAP. She is deep into her mind and needs pulling back.
2015-12-20 02:54:23 UTC
Take her to therapy, move schools, support her the best you can.
2015-12-12 07:07:03 UTC
Be very supportive
2015-12-18 10:39:38 UTC
The only thing that will solve this problem is a ******* baseball bat.
2015-12-22 14:43:07 UTC
Teens are horrible
2015-12-18 06:24:02 UTC
You should hire someone to ******* break some knee caps.
Ackiller J
2015-12-10 05:49:24 UTC
Train up your daughter to be strong and tough.
2015-12-21 21:51:10 UTC
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-12-11 10:28:04 UTC
Report it to the LAW ! Get her some counseling !
2015-12-17 19:02:46 UTC
2015-12-22 07:06:52 UTC
So sad to hear this news.
2015-12-16 02:16:07 UTC
get her help immediaitely, go to an counsellor
2015-12-21 00:02:49 UTC
awful hope she gets better
2015-12-10 22:16:55 UTC
sue this teacher
2015-12-19 11:12:58 UTC
2015-12-22 13:15:12 UTC
tell the teacher
2015-12-19 01:16:51 UTC
2015-12-18 07:46:05 UTC
2015-12-17 12:42:42 UTC
Oh no :(
2015-12-21 10:52:59 UTC
2015-12-12 04:19:20 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.