Hello Jamie,
Please forgive the lengthy reply.
If you say your daughters school is doing nothing about your daughter being bullied at school I assume you have already spoken to the Head and informed him/her what is going on.
If you have only spoken to your daughters teachers you must go over their heads to the School Head.
You should not simply tell him/her that your child is being bullied you MUST demand that something is done about it and the bullies are weeded out and punished, Tell the Head that if they are not prepared to act then you will have no alternative but to inform either the school governors or the Education Authority that you have reported the bullying to the Head but nothing has been done.
Copies of any evidence you have should be presented to the Head.
In every school there are bullies but the unfortunate thing is those in charge of the school either deny there is any bullying at 'their' school or simply will not accept that there is.
Your daughter is obviously in a great deal of distress and this must be brought to the attention of the Head.
If she is also being bullied outside of the school unfortunately that is not the responsibility of the school and you should be speaking to the parents of those doing the bullying and if necessary inform the police.
With the coming of the Social Media incidents of bullying have increased alarmingly and children have taken their own lives because the bullying has been so severe.
It is a sad state of affairs that a child cannot go to school and have a proper education without being harassed by immature, uncaring, thoughtless and heartless students.
The bullying of your daughter MUST be stopped even if it involves you going to the media about it and showing the school up for its lack of care and action,
Good luck and please don't be put off with anything the school or Education Authority may say. Your daughter is desperate for your help and I know you will give it.