Don't listen to the ones that tell you not to do this. This is a great idea and completing tasks gives him a sense of pride that he is a contributing member of the family.
1.Helping with the dishes
2.Helping with dinner by making cold dishes or salads or mixing ingredients before you cook them.
3.Setting the table
4.Wiping the windex off the windows he can reach or the TV.
5.Sorting clothes for the laundry or putting them in the washer before you put in the soap.
6.Matching socks and folding towels.
7.Sweeping and swiffering.
8.Running the vaccuum.
9.Wiping the tables with a clean rag.
10.Wiping the counters with a clean rag.
11.Putting away groceries
I can't think of any more specifically. Of course he should be resposible for keeping his things picked up, his room clean, and his bed made. These things are givens.
My daughter is 5, and she loves doing housework. We work together often and it's a great bonding experience. She's proud and happy to pull her weight. Of course she is only five, I'm sure that will change!! But at least we've got a good start. Keep up the good work.