Is it normal for schools to have PE done in bare feet?
2010-01-24 17:54:57 UTC
My daughter is 11 and she's started going to a new school this year. For PE, the school doesn't allow the students to wear shoes, even sport shoes, for every sport. If they show up with shoes, they are told to remove them, because PE is done better with bare feet. They are even forced to remove their socks if they show up with some. It appears that this is also only for girls PE, and that when the boys do it, they are allowed running shoes. My daughter hates being barefoot and she is complaining a lot about it. Is this common? Is it reasonable? Should I complain about it?
35 answers:
2010-01-24 17:59:43 UTC
Personally I love running around barefoot, however in a school im not so sure that is a good idea. I never heard of this before where the girls aren't allowed to wear shoes but the boys are. If I were you I would call and ask why this is so.
Mommy of 5
2010-01-24 19:26:54 UTC
The only time I have ever heard of this practice is when a child goes to gym with the wrong footwear.

If the child shoes up to gym wearing Sandals, cowboy boots, High heels, dress shoes, or other shoes like it they will be asked to remove those shoes. But they are allowed to wear their socks.

I would go to the school and ask the gym teacher why the kids are not allowed to wear shoes during gym class.

The oddest part of it all is that the boys can wear shoes but the girls cannot. That part of the story sounds very fishy.
2016-11-12 05:22:41 UTC
Barefoot Pe
2010-01-25 09:05:43 UTC
We were usually barefoot as I remember, but I think it was optional for most sports.

It's not a legitimate safety concern. There's no more chance of breaking a toe in kicking a ball than in breaking a finger in catching one, and either type of injury would be pretty rare, and far less serious than a head injury. Feet aren't fragile by nature, and in most situations they need exercise much more than they need protection. We're actually meant to go barefoot, just like all God's creatures.

I'm all for barefoot P.E., but I don't agree at all with the boy/girl thing. Your school seems to have that part backwards. I've always thought it was more appropriate for boys to go barefoot. Back in my dad's time boys weren't really expected to wear shoes at all in nice weather, and only girls were expected to wear any to school. Boys could go barefoot, and most boys did. Most kids walked to school back then, so it made sense for the girls to wear shoes and the boys to go barefoot.
Pauly W
2010-01-25 09:12:08 UTC
This does not make any sense to me. PE Classes students should have tennis shoes just for PE classes only. Only time that barefoot is allowed is if there is an activity in class that requires to be barefoot such as gymnastics.
2010-01-25 05:22:36 UTC
In the UK, yes, it's completely normal for indoor PE. Socks on a hard floor would be slippery and dangerous. And when's the last time you saw a gymnast wearing sports shoes?

But I would certainly complain about it if it's different for boys and girls doing the same activity in the same hall.
Angel X
2010-01-24 20:28:08 UTC
Not a single state has a health code regarding shoes in schools or restaurants. Its businesses that wanted to keep hippies out in the sixties.

Bare feet are healthy and normal. There are more germs and yucky stuff on feet cooped up in socks and shoes than those allowed to unshod.

Shoes do not actually provide the best support at least not on natural surfaces. They hinder proper movement of the foot.
2010-01-24 18:04:37 UTC
Most definitely, you should complain to the school board about this. Not only is it wrong but dangerous because for any reason there could be glass or anything that may cause injuries to the feet. Plus this is not a normal thing by my point of view because you need shoes to have safety and they are violating safety rules by doing this. Complain! Or who knows what can occur and she can be getting sick for that too. And it is not reasonable. Below is a website that explains that tennis shoes are to be worn to pe class
2010-01-24 18:00:14 UTC
That is strange, Because all the schools i know and went too as a young child, We were not allowed to remove our shoes for safety reasons, If we stood on something and so on...

On sports days, You are allowed to have your shoes off, But not for the whole day only when you needed them, if you wanted to do the 100mtr sprint with no shoes, it was ok...

Or when you were inside working with the mats and that then you would have to take them off....

I would seriously ask why the children arent allowed to wear shoes,

It makes no sense to me what so ever.....

I would talk to them and the go from there.....

Hope this helps
2010-01-28 12:29:32 UTC
No person should EVER be forced to remove any part of their clothing for a school function. I would inquire if the teacher is not some kind of pervert who likes feet. I would SERIOUSLY look into legal sexual harassment litigation.
2010-01-25 00:50:54 UTC
you can't do anything about that. it's completely understandable. unless they go outside to an area where they will hurt their feet, you can't complain. your daughter needs to learn to just deal with it. working out is done better with bare feet, my school does it too. it's actually pretty nice to not get your feet sweaty in shoes. unfortunately you must learn that the school is allowed to teach in whatever way that they like. complaining won't change anything, anyway.
2010-01-27 02:38:26 UTC
The only thing that strikes me as seriously strange here is the part about boys being allowed shoes and girls not. Perhaps the girls are doing some kind of gymnastics activities at the moment that require bare feet? Otherwise it makes no sense at all to enforce such a gender based rule.

Going barefoot for PE in general though is not all that strange unless you live in the US or Canada. In other countries including the UK and much of Europe (in other words not just undeveloped 3rd-world nations) it was common for kids to do all PE barefoot for decades. For various reasons it is now less common in Europe, but where I live, in New Zealand, it is still the norm.

In high schools in NZ kids wear uniforms that include black leather shoes. These shoes would scuff the gym floors and are considered ill-suited to running activities outdoors as well. Kids are asked to bring sneakers or go barefoot and the majority choose bare feet. Socks are not allowed because they run the risk of slipping and injuring yourself. Bare feet are condidered the optimal footwear as it allows much more traction than shoes and cost nothing. In NZ a Nike sneaker from Footlocker will start at $250 and go up.

Kids in NZ are also required to go barefoot for certain sports, such as rugby, until they get to a certain age. The reason is that being stepped on or run over in bare feet won't hurt you whereas cleated boots would.

There is no extra danger in going barefoot. Kids can kick hard rugby balls dozens of yards with bare feet. I've seen them run cross-country on uncleaned cement sidewalks as part of school PE, or playing rough games of soccer and basketball on hard tarmac, day in and day out and with not a single case of injury worse than normal cuts or bruises. Going barefoot makes the soles tougher and actually less likely to get an injury or illness.

Primary (elementary) school kids here are allowed to attend school barefoot all day anytime they want and the majority do in warmer months. They walk to and from school that way with no harm coming to them. And again, this is a developed nation, the kids all have shoes, and many even have the very expensive brand-name sneakers, but they choose to go barefoot.

Athlete's foot is caused by keeping feet in a warm moist envirnonment (like a shoe). Hookworm is only a danger if you have fresh cuts on your feet and walk in human excrement, something that may have happened in the old days of outhouses and such, but wouldn't be likely in modern America. Your hands are much more likely to bring you bacteria and viruses than your feet, but we don't wear gloves all day do we?

So, if I were you I would definitely complain about the gender based rule and the lack of option. Even in NZ we let the kids wear sneakers if they want to in all except a couple sports, the same as you'd be asked to go barefoot for Karate even in the US. It is your daughter's right to wear sneakers if she wants.

But don't be worried that this unfair rule is actually putting your child in any danger. It may be uncomfortable for her, but it won't injure her or make her sick. The taboo against bare feet in public places is a North American phenomenon. Europeans associate it with poverty and so wouldn't do it either, but only North Americans get so upset and disgusted by the idea. As pointed out earlier, all the supposed health code rules and laws against bare feet are a myth, they don't actually exist.
2010-01-25 00:09:59 UTC
Are you kidding me??? Those floors are probably running rampant with bacteria and germs from everyone's feet! I would not allow my daughter to not have anything on her feet at all, I would call the board and ask the reason for this and follow up, see if other parents have the same issues you do. As for your daughter feeling uncomfortable, I can understand, because I have Fred Flintstone feet. My feet are shorter and wide width and my toes are ugly. But, I get pedicures with bright pretty designs to take away from my ugly feet. Even if you bought her some pretty polish and some nail decals aren't expensive, she can slap those on in a few minutes and they will last a week or so. I hope she overcomes her feet anxiety and the school changes their policy on bare feet.
2010-01-24 18:28:36 UTC
I live in Hawaii where people wear rubber slippers ("flip flops") all day, every day. We even joke about saving our black slippers for dress up! That being said, kids in Hawaii are asked to wear closed-toed shoes and socks on P.E. days. What your daughter is telling you about shoes and P.E. in her school is fishy.

Before you go complaining to the school that their policy is bizarre, ASK them what their policy is for shoes and P.E. Do boys and girls have the same policy? I don't want to call your kid a liar, but something weird is going on here. When I was in middle school, P.E. was co-ed. Your daughter has boys at her school, so I'm imagining that classes are co-ed. Maybe P.E. isn't, but it seems odd that P.E. would be segregated in a co-ed school. If boys are required to wear shoes and girls are not and P.E. is co-ed...something is SERIOUSLY off.

Have a talk with your daughter first. Maybe she is ashamed to change her clothes for P.E. Maybe someone is giving her a hard time about something. Maybe she IS telling you the truth and the school is crazy. But I doubt it.
2010-01-24 18:00:33 UTC
No?? That's ridiculous and very surprising. That is dangerous and it is not better for them to not wear shoes. They could get hurt and they have no support for their feet. It is very weird and seems sexist why is it only the girls. maybe if it was gymnastics or something i could understand but that does not seem right. You need to do something about this. Talk with the other parents and i would pay attention to other aspects of the school.
2010-01-24 17:59:12 UTC
Heck no its not common, suppose she breaks a toe because someone stepped on it or gets a infection.

I'd complain or sue.

Also it doesn't sound right. The gym teacher/teachers allow boys to wear shoes and not girls? It sounds like a perverted feet fetish. This needs to be looked into.
2010-01-24 19:06:41 UTC
This is very, very odd.

Not only that, shoes are meant for protection and support.Why would they not want to support and protect their feet? Do the PE instructors wear shoes?
2010-01-24 18:01:25 UTC
your daughter is 11, old enough, i think, to really have an opinion. i would stand up for her on this. 1. because it sounds very unsanitary 2. it isnt fair that the boys get to wear shoes and 3. they say PE is better barefooted yet its jus the females who has to do it. honestly i woul be pissed. good luck on that one...
2010-01-24 18:01:34 UTC
That is not normal. I work at a school and we never allow the students to take off their shoes, it's a saftey concern. I think you should contact the PE teacher and talk to them about this.
2016-02-27 01:26:29 UTC
yes. college. Once, the shoes I was wearing were very uncomfortable so i took them off and put them in my purse. I happened to be wearing a full length kimono at the time and some hippie saw me and started shouting things at me like "oh man you're so cool!" and "that's so hardcore, you're not even wearing shoes!"
2010-01-24 17:58:51 UTC
i have never heard of this. how is she supposed to kick a ball and not risk breaking her toes? the only time i ever did PE in barefeet was in elementary school when we did things with gymnastics stuff (like tumbling mats and whatnot.) I'd talk to the school and PE teachers about this.
2010-01-24 17:58:40 UTC
I have been to at least 4 schools across the US, and no, this is not common. I have never even heard of this before.
2010-01-24 18:01:02 UTC
That's not common or reasonable. You should definitely complain! i would hate being barefoot too
2010-01-25 19:10:38 UTC
I have never heard of that before. Call the principal. I bet that he/she doesn't even know this is going on.
2010-01-24 20:18:12 UTC
No it's not normal, it sounds like a liability to me. If this is a real story than you should complain. No school should do that.
tafe k
2010-01-24 17:59:57 UTC
yes, you should complain about it because what are you describing here is NOT safe for the kids. unless they do "sports" in an indoor playground with carpets or other stuffs that guarantee the safety of the kids.
2010-01-24 17:58:25 UTC
this is not normal. i have never heard of such thing. I support it if you were to complain to the school
2010-01-26 21:33:52 UTC
that is diffenitly not normal what about rainy days!!
2010-01-24 17:57:54 UTC
no not at all. that is very weird. especilly the socks thing. i mean i went all through highschool and have never heard of that. i would complain 100%. it is not very healthy if you ask me to. athletes foot and what not.
2010-01-24 17:59:21 UTC
think about everything that is on that floor, germs, virus, glass, many things that could cause a cut. not right at all. would not stand for that
2010-01-24 17:59:53 UTC
Thats against health code in most states.
2010-01-24 17:58:21 UTC
When your child gets MRSA or athlete's foot or something, then sue the school for negligence. What kind of idiotic notion is that?
2010-01-24 17:58:09 UTC
yes i wish i didnt have to wear shoes
2010-01-24 17:57:09 UTC
no thats not normall, you could actually sue for that
2010-01-24 17:57:55 UTC

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