Well first off I think it is wonderful you are not PUSHING him into dong things. I think that would be one of the worst things you could do.
My only boy and youngest is 7. He use to say "I can't" or "it is too hard" and stuff like that & it worried me. I told him as long as I saw he tried his best that was all that mattered.
I don't remember which movie it was that we watched but it had a song saying "Never say never".
Here it is - It is from AN AMERICAN TAIL
Youtube link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql1IFJwF0SQ
My son enjoyed the movie and the song. He started singing it and if he heard someone say NEVER he'd start singing the song.
Since then it has stuck with him. He still has trouble at times when he loses a game or has trouble doing something, but he keeps trying.
Does your son play a lot of games? Board games or video games? I play a lot of board games with my kids. This is a good way to learn to be a good loser & also helps you feel great when you do win.
Videos personally I feel they are a good thing. One of the first games my son played was TOON TOWN on Disney Online. We have been members of the game for about 4yrs. It helped my oldest learn to read better and also helps boost confidence.
I strongly suggest you try it with your son. It is a safe and fun site, kids see their TOONS progress through the game & learn to help others.
Now in the game your son's TOON could "get sad" which is in nicer way to say they lost their hit points or as the game says LAFF points. But I love the way the game shows it is as going from SAD to HAPPY. Does this make any sense? lol
My son loves playing with KNEX. He takes after my husband who is an engineer but KNEX may not be for everyone. I'm sure even I couldn't build things the way my son does.
Look at your son and help him find a passion and hobby. He may be good at reading, drawing, playing games, a sport and so on. Just look at what he does in his spare time and work on that.
As with learning I feel if the activity makes them happy the more the child will benefit from it. So your son may not be a bike rider. He may like a skate board, skates or something else.
Just work with him and help him find his passion. I'm sure once you do that he'll soar through it. ; )