Is it inappropriate for a child under 10yrs old to have their own email address?
2008-06-03 06:43:56 UTC
I tried to sign my son up to Cartoon Network.
Yes I checked out the site before I agreed & not until I got the email back from them, then tried to sign my son up properly they then say that my CHILD has to have a different email to his parent.

He's only going to be playing games there & rarely uses the computer, but I feel he's too young for his own email as I know first hand about all the unsolicited ones that have been sent to me & dont wish that on him.

Am I right in thinking this is just wrong?
29 answers:
2008-06-03 06:53:55 UTC
I wouldn't let a 10yr old have an email address either. Way too young, but just because you create an email account for him doesn't mean he has to use it. You keep the pass word for it and if for any reason he wants to email something he has to come to you first. Having an email is a great way for a kid to learn typing and communicating through the computer. maybe you can encourage him to send emails to his grandmother or something. This would strengthen his grammar and computer skills as well as give him an opportunity to have contact with other family members. But this should only be under your supervision and after you have signed into the email to check any un-wanted spam that he shouldn't see.
2008-06-03 13:49:51 UTC
This is an age of technology and there is more than one 5 year old walking around out there with a cell phone. Theres not much we can do to halt the progress. I think that you are right to be concerned that he might be innapropriately contacted. I suggest that you change and hold the password so that the two of you can check his email together and you can make sure he can handle unsolicited messages.
Laura T
2008-06-03 14:24:23 UTC
You can set your child's email to only get emails from people in his address book, that way he will not get unsolicited emails. I think an email address for a 10 year old is fine as long as there are restrictions.
2008-06-03 13:59:39 UTC
The American TV will do him far more harm then the Internet.

I would rather a child have the freedom to search and find his own interests on the Internet then become a brain washed victim of TV.

10 is definately not too young.

To help him avoid pedaphiles go to

The U.S. has the largest number of pedaphiles men in the world so you may be surprised at who lives next to you.

To stop him from porn install net nanny.

Even if he doesn't see porn at home he is most likely going to see it at his friends or at the cafe. So there is no stopping a male child from seeking out porn. Its a normal part of growing up now a days.

Most American, like Mr. Neil will go to Asia for children, because there the game of politics/trade make the white men almost untouchable, where in the US he is more likely to get caught. Keep a copy of the password for yourself so you can check the incoming mail. Let him know he is not allowed to converse with strangers. Especially Mr Smith who lives down the block!
2008-06-03 14:13:47 UTC
You are the parent and you get to decide what is appropriate for your child. You know best, not cartoon network, not any of us on YA, no one.

I would think Cartoon Network blew it on this one. It might not be worth the hassle. Perhaps a better and safer option would be to purchase games on dvd instead of opening up the internet can of worms. He's under 10 for crying out loud, he doesn't need every creep and spammer sending him junk emails and scams.
Michelle J
2008-06-03 14:17:54 UTC
My 7 year old has an email address, I moniter it, and it has ver strict parental restrictions on it. It is basically for family to send her things, some of her friends have the address and they every once and a while send her things. She is only allowed to 2 websites and The computer is in our living room so that too is closely monitered. I think the key is to moniter and teach the child what limitations and expectations you have of them. Forbiding something is just like giving a golden key for them to sneak and do it.

Good luck
2008-06-03 14:00:42 UTC
The opinion of other people should not matter to you. How do you feel about it? You know your child better than anyone else. If you are not comfortable, you can set-up a new e-mail address for yourself that you can use to sign him up for cartoon network. However, it's a great opportunity to speak to your child about internet/e-mail safety.
2008-06-03 13:49:52 UTC
I think it is too. One thing you could do is just make an email account for him but you check it for him and just use that email account when you are singing him up for different websites like Cartoon Network.
Kathryn M
2008-06-03 15:04:13 UTC
Yes. What does a child need to have an email address for? If someone needs to email the child, they can email their parents. Kids need to stay off of computers unless it's for school. It leaves too much room for error, and kids can end up in places on the internet that they don't need to be, even if by accident.

I think you're right.
2008-06-03 14:08:21 UTC
I think it's wrong too.

I joined my boys up to a club recently, and they expected them to have their own email account. Hmmm, two are 3 in September & one is 4yo, I don't think so.

We have a family email address at Bigpond, and we used that one. that way we can monitor their emails. We can make 10 free ones up.

Try that, we tend to not to get so much junk with that email address.

Love Ya!

2008-06-03 13:48:33 UTC
I think it's fine for a 10 year old to have their own e-mail address, but you just need to teach him proper internet rules and protocol and how to safely use his email account.

Perhaps moderate it and know his password until he's about 13, when I think it would be appropriate to trust him.
2008-06-03 13:50:38 UTC
In my opinion, 10 is too young. Especially with all the freaks on the internet, and immature teenagers, and other idiots. I would make him an email, but keep it as your own. Just don't give im the password, so when he needs to use it for things like the cartoon netowrk, you can do it for him, and you won't have to worry about who/what/why is happening with it.
2008-06-03 18:45:23 UTC
Just create one for him to use that is really yours. Thats what we did. Its kids restricted and can't get email unless we aprove it. My grand daughter just saves the sites under her favorites and if she wants something new we have to OK it. Its not a big deal, you can keep the pass word and sign him on when you want him to use it.
Alicia S
2008-06-03 13:48:50 UTC
Theres nothing wrong with it as long as you are utilizing parental controls so you can monitor what he does. You can also control who sends him emails and block everything and everyone you choose. Its really easy to set up through your provider. Think about how much he would love to email his friends that are away during the summer. Its time
2008-06-03 13:47:14 UTC
just make him an email account. u set it up. just because u set it up doesn't mean he needs to use it or even know that he has one.

if you have more then 1 email account, u can always use your other account and say its your sons.

i agree 10 is too young for it.
2008-06-03 20:13:36 UTC
They want the kid to have a seperate email from the parents? I would raise a fuss over it and tell lots of people to bombard them with emails.

What does cartoon network want to send your child that they don't want you to see?
Autism's Beautiful Face
2008-06-03 14:14:18 UTC
Depends who you are with i am with AOL and have my daughters email on Kids which means she can only access any website that's for children if she tries otherwise then AOL mail me to tell me what site shes tried to go on ..use a parental block on websites
Southern Girl
2008-06-03 13:46:45 UTC
I wouldn't let a 10 year old have an email address either.
2008-06-09 23:53:07 UTC
how old is your son?

I had my first email address the summer before i went into Kindergarten!
2008-06-03 16:15:42 UTC
My daughter has a yahoo account. I have her password. I look at her e-mail but she doesn't know it. Am I wrong??? I don't think so. If she abuses it - I shut it off. So far, very normal stuff.

Also, she uses my computer but doesn't know my password to sign on.
Luke Cassidy
2008-06-03 13:47:44 UTC
Hello im 16 and grew up during the 90's the age of the internet i had an email address when i was 6 ,no lie ,I dont see nothing wrong it gives them valuable skill of understanding how the internet works and correct uses
2008-06-03 13:48:37 UTC
no, but you can have a family email...that's an open door for child molesters and another segment on "To Catch a Predator"....
I Love S.V.S.
2008-06-03 20:51:14 UTC
It is fine. I let my kids have one and they are happy now. I told them that if they misbehave they get it tooken away though,
2008-06-03 13:49:42 UTC
Your right...just sign up for it and only you check it
pete the pirate
2008-06-03 13:47:45 UTC
10 is too young I agree with you.
2008-06-03 14:14:27 UTC
no i got my first email adress when i was 3
2008-06-03 19:45:49 UTC
an email address isnt that big of a deal....
2008-06-03 17:46:36 UTC
i got my email adress at 8 yers old
2008-06-03 13:47:13 UTC
Well your suppose to be 13 to have one but idk anymore kids are on myspace at 9. its your choice as the mother if he can or not not ours..

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