The punishment should FIT the crime. If she failed to do her homework, because she was watching TV, ground her from TV.
If she steals, and lies to cover it up-that has very little to do with TV. And EVERYTHING to do with wanting STUFF to fill up her life/heart.
Make her take the wallet back to the PERSON SHE TOOK IT FROM. Have her write a letter to this person, telling her that she was wrong, and that she has learned her lesson, and please forgive her. She needs to EARN that money over a LONG TIME.(you PAY THE FIRL BACK now AND MAKE YOUR daUGHTER PAY you BACK.
For instance, make her fold towels, EXACTLY RIGHT, and pay her 10 cents for each good one. Tell her over and over that it is it is very hard to rebuild lost trust. And that is what she is doing, a dime at a time for MONTHS.
She is going through a STAGE and her mother calls her names and demeans her. She is not feeling GOOD ENOUGH all by herself. She has to have a special thing or sneak around because she doesn't FEEL like she DESERVES good things.
I didn't do this. The person who raised her did this. You and she together can fix this, but she needs a grown-up role model first. She needs a PARTNER, a person in her corner, not someone who throws her under the bus, when she needs help. She is reaching out to you for attention and validation. And you call her names and treat her like trash. What she DID is not acceptable, but SHE IS! Help her to see that.
You SOUND like you have a huge chip on your shoulder. You think you are better than others because you can get in a bikini. Big deal. It is not who you ARE, it is an outward sign of an ego, followed closely by emanness, and shallowness.