At what age should children be allowed to have a mobile phone?
2007-05-14 06:47:18 UTC
How old do you think a child should be before being allowed to have their own pay as you go mobile? My 8yr old insists all her friends have their own mobiles and take them to school but methinks someones fibbing! I grew up without a mobile phone so I cannot see the point of children having them. I would like to know what you guys think. Thanks.
43 answers:
2007-05-14 10:29:08 UTC
This is a subject that I've been discussing with my friends lately and with my seven year old son. I've already told my son that he won't be getting a mobile for some time. I want him to be at least old enough to stay at home alone after school, has sports after school, etc. I've also explained that when that day comes he does get a mobile, he will have to earn to keep it and to get minutes. I plan to get him one of those beginners phones. One that has three numbers in it... mom, dad, 911. That way I know he won't be abusing the privelage of having it.

I like the disneymobile phone plan. It's a family share plan, parents have their phones, kids have theirs. Parents can from the phone or internet decide when the kids phone will be turned on and off, and how many minutes they have. They can be given more minutes by parents for whatever reason parent has decided. There is also a gps on the kids phone so you can track them. The down side to this phone... it's expensive! I'm really hoping the price will drop,.. eventually.
2007-05-14 06:56:32 UTC
I think this is a really difficult choice as a parent. I know that children who have mobiles are getting younger, but then it makes you question if it is right for your child and her health. There are always two sides, much of the research regarding the harmfull health impact of mobile's is coverered by the mobile phone industry, but on the other side they are a social 'norm' and you could go on to say lots of things are unhealthy such as microwaves, computers etc. Its all about what you as a parent feel is the best thing for your child, I personally may consider letting my child have one once she is becoming independent and is away from the home alot (visiting friends) etc. This makes sense for saftey reasons, but I would try and limit how much she would be on it, maybe give her a limited amount of credit. Good luck in your decision!
2007-05-14 09:42:41 UTC
my oldest got hers for her 11 birthday only because her grandparents got it for her i told her she couldn't have one until she was in secondary education just for the fact that at the mo she doesn't go anywhere as all her friends live local but come September when she changes schools she be making new friends from different areas so wont be hanging around on the street as much personally i think 8 is too young i mean do you really let an 8yr old wonder that far to warrant a Mobile after all we get them for our kids so we know that we can get hold of them and know that they are safe not just for texting there mates as they think and i dont think an 8yr old is responsible enough to be carrying one about but each to there own. she doesntabuse it either she had £20 credit put on it in november last year and still got £6 left
2007-05-14 12:17:02 UTC
I hate to tell you this but your daughter probably isn't fibbing at all, loads of primary school have them. My daughter's father gave her one when she was in P7 as he had bought a new one, but she never looks near it and only uses it to play games on.

I think if children have to earn their pocket money by doing chores and use this money to fund their own phone you usually find that the novelty wears off pretty quickly.

Nowadays its a good idea for children to able to get in contact in an emergency, but at 8 years old apart from school you should know where they are at every minute of the day. A mobile phone is no good to a child who has been lifted by some sick perv.
2007-05-14 08:52:21 UTC
I never had a cell phone growing up, but have considered getting my children one when they get old enough. I think the key question is.. How mature do you feel your chld is? A cell phone is nice if your child is out alot and may not be by a pay phone, or have the change that it requires. I personally think 8 is too young, but if she is out alot, then do it, but put a restriction on it. Or get a phone that you let her take only on certain times, until you know she will be responsible w/ it. I wouldnt let her have one 24/7 quite yet.
2007-05-14 07:14:58 UTC
There shouldn't be any perfect age for giving your child a mobile phone. Researches are warning that mobile phones are creating strong addictions, dangerous for young children. This addictions same as other kinds of addictions are harmful for health. You as a parent should assess if your child is mature enough to use mobile phone without harm for himself. Since you grew up without a mobile phone, nothing bad will happen to your child. But if you prefer to have contact your child all the time, the good advise is to provide a phone for him but teach him why he is getting it and what are good and bad things about mobile phones.
2007-05-14 06:53:47 UTC
I don't agree with giving mobile phones to young children at all. My daughter is 9 and a lot of her friends have phones but I've told my daughter she can have one when she is 13 and starts at the comprehensive school.

Even if all the others mums have given their children phones in your child's class don't feel swayed to go along with the pack.
2007-05-14 09:07:23 UTC
my 10 year old bought a pre paid phone with her own money from her birthday, and saves her allowance to pay for the minutes. she is very responsible ,so i think the age depends on the child i also have an 8 yr old girl and shes not even intrested in one and neither are her friends.
2007-05-14 07:00:31 UTC
I also grew up without a cell phone.I still don't have

But times have changed,its more predators out here. The world is f up.At eight, i don't think she needs a cell phone because at eight ,where is she going and doing that the mother isn't going to know.I think early teens, when she start going places by herself,like skating, parties ,when she start to ride the bus or even walks home, etc. Most definitely i think girls should get them at an earlier age than boys.We wouldn't want anybody getting our Lil girls tuna cakes lol lol

Hope i helped

Good luck and God bless.
2007-05-14 06:54:19 UTC
I got my first phone when I was around eleven. It really depends on circumstances, if you leave your child alone a lot after school or they are out and about a lot, a phone is good for keeping in touch, otherwise a phone at eight seems a bit silly.
2007-05-14 07:55:58 UTC
You terrible parent! Your child is 8 & don't have a cell phone yet?! My goodness. How dare you!

Just kidding! :)

When my son was in Kindergarten there was three kids in his class with a cell phone. THAT is absolutely rediculous! I think when a child starts going places by themselves (driving) I think then it would be ok. I think eight is to young. My kids are 7 & 8 and they've been begging me for the past couple of yrs. I refuse. They tell me that everyone else has one and I tell them that they will be two that don't. That may seem rude, but that's just silly!
2007-05-14 07:09:13 UTC
My boys are 8 and 10 and both have their own phones. We are on a family plan so I restrict the number of minutes they can use. I do allow them to take the phones to school but they are not allowed to use them there. Thanks to GPS I am able to locate my children if they forget to tell me they decided to go to a friend's house or to the park or wherever. It's like having my own little tracking device on them. Very nice!
2007-05-14 07:01:02 UTC
When they can pay the bill on their own without risking my credit!! I have a seven and a half year old he wants one, I LAUGHED hysterically at him and told him he would have to do a million chores to pay for one, I also told him the chores would be neverending because it`s a monthly bill!! HE SAID, " YIKES", I don`t want that!!! I said, " Well I guess it`s no cellphone buddy"!! AND, my son is in second grade and there is absolutely no child in his class or in third grade that has a cellphone!!! Why set your children up for failure!! You know they can`t look after it!!
2007-05-14 06:50:31 UTC
I think eleven, that was how old i was (or my sister) my Dad said we could have them just in case of an emergencies. But I think anything before secondary school is too young. We were also given one becuase we were travelling alone to school. Howver it is so risky with mobiles people will steal them no matter how old the person is.
2007-05-14 06:58:46 UTC
Children do not need mobile phones. Their parents are responsible for where they are and what they do so who do they need to phone?

If they needed to call a friend in the evening, they could use the land line.

Do not be a puppet of the mobile phone companies. They have brainwashed everyone and now they are destroying brains with their phone masts. The latest medical evidence clearly shows that there are serious cancer hot spots close to these masts so why push your child towards possible serious illness?
2007-05-14 06:55:52 UTC
Cell phones are useful when your son/daughter is out and about and you need to contact them wherever. When a child is 8, they are most likely not that far out and about seeing as how few 8 year olds have cars. When they get into their teens and expand their social lives, cell phones come in more use.

I think your child just wants to be cool. Can we blame em?
2007-05-14 12:55:55 UTC
My kids insist the same thing. I survived most of my 36 years without one even got through elementary, jr and highschool without one. My kids were told they can have one when they can pay the bill. When they have away ball games that I cannot attend then they take my phone with them. I hear parents whine whine whine about their cell bills LOL its their own dang fault for letting thier kids have them. My kids are allowed access at school to call me at anytime. And yes 8 year olds have them because it is just another one of those greed things...well if her kid has one then I have to get my kid one. Kids just never have enough it seems these days and dont have to earn anything. parents just dish out the cash like it grows on trees to keep their kids happy and out of their hair. If you dont feel your needs one then tell her I dont care what other kids get your not other kids. Just my view on cells!!!!
Carson M
2007-05-14 09:41:30 UTC
I personally think 13 is the bets age for a phone because if you give one to them to early their gonna start acting grown up and if there 8 well thats still a baby in a way. SO i hoped i helpd
Faith E
2007-05-14 07:11:53 UTC
We gave my son one after 6th gr graduation. His friends all had one during 6th grade. My daughter who is in 4th gr, 9 yrs old wanted one so with her own money, she bought a pay-as-you go phone which she now learned that she has to be frugal with her minutes. It was exciting at first but she only used it to contact me when she was at an afterschool event to pick her up, and other little things. She forgot about the phone already. My son in middle school uses his more often to contact friends, and myself.
2007-05-14 09:09:13 UTC
A child should be able to have their own mobile phone when they are not a child anymore and, can pay for it themselves, We did not have all of this when I was a kid and I still don't have one I got along fine without one back then and still am today..
2007-05-14 06:56:07 UTC
I think it depends on the child and how mature they are. I think 8 is too young. They should not even be talking on the house phone.

My 11 yo just got a phone - because he's a great child and very responsible. He's going into middle school and I've always told him if he keeps his grades up and is responsible we would CONSIDER it when he goes to middle school.
canadian angel
2007-05-14 13:03:29 UTC
8, im not sure. my son is `11 and im getting him one, but only b/c i work graveyard shift and b/c he goes to a school in the next town. so i'd feel more comfortable if he could get a hold of me and any time without any trouble. 8 is to young, she wouldnt be able to pay the airtime by herself. my son does things for money- chores and stuff.
2007-05-14 08:45:13 UTC
my son is 9 years old. he has a pre-paid phone that he keeps in his back-pack. for emergency use only. he has had it since he was 7 years old, and got off at the wrong bus stop by accident. luckily his friends mom seen him, ans he gave her my number to call me. ( he was 4 blocks away) we went out and got a pre-paid the next day in case something like this happens again. he knows the rules about it tho, he is to make no calls on it, only to the numbers i have programed in it in case of an emergency(my cell, his dads cell, his dads work, the school, and my neighber home number, and cell numbers) we live in a city, so i feel it is safer. know body even knows he has it. nobody knows the number. the volume is on low, so if it does ring, no body hears it. he only takes it out of his back-pack every other day to recharge it. then it goes right back. i dont let him have a cell phone for the trend, i make him have one for emergencys only.
2007-05-14 06:54:25 UTC
a lot of kids carry mobiles these days, but i dont think its right. but if ur child goes and comes to skool by herself, let her have a fone, incase of emergencies, becuase again our times we never used to have the problems that happen now days, right??i think they should if the go and come from skool by themselvs, of not, then i think the child should be 16 to have a all depends.
2007-05-14 13:06:56 UTC
As early as they understand how to use them and not to waste their credit (pay as you go is better for younger people!)

If I had an 8 year old and I could afford a phone, I would definitely get her one.
2007-05-14 06:52:52 UTC
I think 8yrs old is to young and posssibly no younger than 12 but with a restricted budget.
2007-05-14 06:52:23 UTC
My oldest daughter got hers as an early 12th b'day present. She wanted an Ipod for Xmas, and the ITues Rokr phone was cheaper, and more practical for her needs.

My 9 year old wants one... Ain't happening. I think your 8 yr old is fibbing, too. LOL
2007-05-14 07:00:36 UTC
My 6 year old and 9 year old share a phone. I've set up the lock so they can only call a selected number of people, and they don't take it to school. but to friends houses, just out riding bikes/playing.
2007-05-14 06:57:45 UTC
My 8 year old is bugging me for a cell phone too. I told her when she is 10 then I would consider it. She kept asking me for one asking my mom and dad and so my dad said OK and bought her a FAKE cell phone OH man she was mad and didn't ask for another one. She has since settled for getting one when she is 10.
2007-05-14 08:59:29 UTC
My daughter is 11 and she just got one. We got her a Verizon Pay as You Go phone. She has to do her chores to earn minutes. It has worked very well for us. And it is good motivation for her to keep her room clean and do her chores.
2007-05-14 06:51:31 UTC
I bought my daughter her first mobile when she started secondary school and thats only for emergencies.
2007-05-14 10:26:25 UTC
No younger that 13, or when they proved that they can handle responsibility. Such as emergencies only
2007-05-14 06:54:45 UTC
At least 12,
shea b
2007-05-14 08:36:51 UTC
Never. Let them get a job and then they could have a phone. We didnt have cell phones in school. kids are spoiled.
2007-05-14 07:10:12 UTC
11 or 12 when they start secondary school. No younger than that IMO...
2007-05-14 06:54:50 UTC
my boy was 9 before i allowed him one ... personally i think they are good as you can keep tabs on them he is now 13 and turns it off when i want him .. may i suggest if you are considering getting one to get a basic one with no internet as my boy discovered a whole new world there
2007-05-14 06:55:43 UTC
I DIDN'T GET MY PHONE TILL I WAS 12. My sister and all her little friends have one and they are like 9 and younger and im like NOT FAIR! they don't even need one. I never used mine until i wa slike 14ish.
Emma G
2007-05-14 06:51:08 UTC
11 years old when they start secondary school. 8 is far too young i think.
2007-05-14 13:16:11 UTC
A child must NEVER have a cell phone until he/she is old enough to earn money to pay for it themself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Children do NOT need cell phones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Children do NOT need electronics at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Children need direction and discipline from their parents!
paula w
2007-05-14 06:54:27 UTC
both my 10yr and my 8yr old have mobiles, they are at an age when they are out an about,this way i can keep track of them all the time,although they are only allowed in the nxt street as they arnt allowed to cross the road...
Mopar Muscle Gal
2007-05-14 06:55:01 UTC
When they are responsible enough to not lose it, abuse it, misuse it..

then they are old enough
2007-05-14 06:53:20 UTC
When they are old enough to pay for it
2007-05-14 06:54:39 UTC
when they are old enough to pay the bills !

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