I wouldn't worry about it too much, just make sure you clean them very good at least twice a day {maybe when she first gets up and right before she goes to bed}, and wait until they're fully healed. If they continue to be a problem, take her to her doctor or to the emergency room to see if they may be infected {wait at least 8 to 12 weeks after having them pierced} and what can be done about it, other than taking them out and not putting them back in. She really wanted her ears pierced, so don't break her heart by having to take them out.
My niece had just turned 4, and two of my nephews were just a little over 1 and almost 3 when their parents let me take them to get their ears pierced. The two boys still have their ears pierced and they haven't been a problem for them, they're now just over 2 and almost 4. The girl, however, had to have hers taken out, and she was fine with this, because they got infected. I got my ears pierced around the same time I had theirs done {I had never wanted my ears pierced until then}, and mine haven't gotten infected. Except for the one year old, of course, they were told about the pinch and I even demonstrated the pinch they would feel with my index and thumb nails. They were fine with this and wanted their ears pierced, so I took them to do so.
Again, just make sure you keep the earrings and the holes in her ears clean, and WITHIN two weeks they should be fine. **Not sure how long ago her ears were pierced...?**
Hope this helps =D
EDIT: Kids are smart. Unless you have a child that you actually raise properly to be the best they can be, no one will know how smart they can really be. My niece was talking better than some teenagers and adults I knew when she was 2 years old. Carrying on a conversation like no other, and not jibberish, either. My nephew, her brother, knew how to count from one to ten in English and Spanish when he was 2, and knew all of his colors in English and most of them in Spanish at the same age. Kids have feelings, too, and know what they want and a lot of times what they need. My niece and her brother understand that what they need comes before what they want, and they know the difference between the two. You seem like a very good mother because your daughter sounds intelligent just from what you've wrote here. So don't be the bad mom and make her take them out just because you're worried that you did the wrong thing. Take them out as a last resort and explain to her what had happened, about an infection, etc. If that is the case. =D