You know this question can be looked from both sides. And having been on both sides I can definitely understand them.
I was 12 when my parents got a divorce. My mother eventually started taking things out on me. It started with slaps and ended with one cold night when I was 15 and my head was being thrashed into the concrete pavement. (You may ask "Well what was it that you did wrong?") The answer is nothing-a car filled with hormone crazed boys drove by and did the whistling and hollering typical teenage thing. I rolled my eyes and did NOTHING! For this I was beat till the point the police arrived.
Now my father on the other hand is the light of my life, he rescued me from all of that and from the beginning of my life he never laid one hand to spank me. At the small age of 3, I remember him telling me "Honey your getting OBNOXIOS" And that was all I needed to hear-no spanks-no yelling. I respected and still love and respect him very much.
I am now much older- married and have a 19 month son of my own. To this day he has never and will never meet the woman who I dare even call mother-but my dad, I call him maybe 3 times a day to check up on him.
I now have a 5 yr old sister. I love her with all my heart, but I see the way she acts with dad and it hurts me at times. I have seen my dad spank her though. I asked why he spanks her and never once me? He told me that its all about the children and the code we are born with-OBEY-or-TEST. This makes sense.
While I agree a literal beating is never right. But a slap on the hand or on the butt is both tolerable and understandable.
I use this with my own son. You see, I rather give him a slap on the hand after I have already told him "NO" quite a few times. In my opinion, it is better that he gets a tingly discomfort on his hand or butt after he has touched the Christmas bulbs one too many times or put a coin in his mouth repeatedly-this way the discomfort is not as great as if the bulb was to shatter in his hands and eyes or if he were to choke on the coin. I feel like I do this for his own protection in the long run. This way if mama turns her back for a second he remembers the discomfort-because believe me he will not remember the "NO"
Of course once he is older, and good old common sense kicks in-you utilize "the talks" rather than the spanking!
Good luck with all and remember Love is the best policy!